- 1Title:Great Britain. Admiralty - Admiralty and Secretariat Log books, etc.; Ships' logs [Adm. 53] 1835-1847, 1891-1892Creator:
- Great Britain. Admiralty
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:Canberra : Australian Joint Copying Project, [19--]Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- PRO 2901, 6818
- Status: unavailable
- 2Title:H.M.S. Driver entering Port Jackson, 7 Jan. 1846, painted in 1846Level of description:
- fonds
Date of work:1846Type of material:- Graphic Materials
- Watercolours
Call number:- SV*/Ship/Driv/1
Issue copy:- Copy print: SV*/Ship/Driv/1
- Available on open access in the Mitchell Library Reading Room