- 1Title:Hood Collection part II, Box 073, nos. 215-238, Box 074, nos. 001-027 : Garrison Church; Grammar School football team; Boxer; Children's birthday party; Mrs May and women; Boxers at gym; Second Australian Imperial Force march through Sydney; Carmelite requiem; Clock; Mrs Tim Whitney and childrenLevel of description:
- file
Date of work:March 1937-30 January 1947Type of material:- Graphic Materials
- Photographs
Call number:- ON 204/Box 73/nos. 215-238
- ON 204/Box 74/nos. 1-27
Issue copy:- Digitised
- 2Title:Hood Collection part II, Box 084, nos. 136-208; Box 085, nos. 001-109 : Boxers and boxing, wrestlers and wrestling, Leichhardt Stadium, Sydney StadiumLevel of description:
- file
Date of work:January 1932-March 1938Type of material:- Graphic Materials
- Photographs
Call number:- ON 204/Box 84/nos. 136-208
- ON 204/Box 85/nos. 1-109