- 1Title:Letters and other communications sent by the Assistant Police Magistrate at Waterloo Point or Swansea to the Chief Police Magistrate at Hobart. Great Swan Port, 1836 to July 1847Creator:
- Magistrates Tasmania. Courts
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1836-July 1847Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- DLADD 550
- 2Title:Series 18.097: Invoice received by George Caley from William Turner, undatedLevel of description:
- item
Date of work:UndatedType of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- SAFE/Banks Papers/Series 18.097
Issue copy:- Digitised
- 3Title:Series 18.098: Receipt for articles supplied to George Caley by William Turner,undatedLevel of description:
- item
Date of work:UndatedType of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- SAFE/Banks Papers/Series 18.098
Issue copy:- Digitised