- 1Title:David Burn diaries, 1 May 1850 - 31 Dec. 1851; 10 Oct. 1855 - 15 Sept. 1858Creator:
- David Burn, 1798-1875
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1850-1858Type of material:- Textual Records
Issue copy:- Microfilm: Diary 1850-1851).
- Microfilm: Diary, 1855-1858).
- 2Title:Otago News No.11, 2 May 1849Creator:
- Otago News
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:2 May 1849Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- Ao 20
- 3Title:Typescript letter singed from Gordon Ingham, Auckland, New Zealand to the Library to New South Wales, October? 1971 relating to surviving copies of Eden and Western Ranger and expressing surprise in the Library's interest in an obscure suburban Auckland paperCreator:
- Gordon Ingham
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:October? 1971Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLDOC 1849
- 4Title:Peter Middleton correspondence with the editor of the N.Z. Mercury, May 1934-March 1936Creator:
- Peter Middleton
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1934-1936Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- A 4872
Issue copy:- Microfilm: CY 124
- 5Title:Sub-series 03: Correspondence and subject files relating to newspapers and newspaper companies, 1935-1987Level of description:
- sub-series
Date of work:1935-1987Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLMSS 9894/Boxes 407-437
Access conditions:Partly restricted: Applies to File 47 in MLMSS 9894/Box 425