- 1Title:New Norfolk (Tas.) Police Office record of offences, 2 April 1827-21 November 1834Creator:
- New Norfolk (Tas.) Police Office
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:2 April 1827-21 November 1834Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- DLSPENCER 159
Issue copy:- Microfilm: CY 4988, frames 1-187
- 2Title:Tasmania Police Courts records of charges against prisoners, 1864-1888Creator:
- Tasmania. Police Courts
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1864-1888Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- DLSPENCER 160
- 3Title:Official sentence of transportation for a crime committed by John Smith, labourer, Richmond, Tasmania, 20 January 1851Creator:
- John Smith, convict
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:20 January 1851Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLDOC 3131