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  • Title
    First light in 200 years ... the Australian [botanical] drawings of Ferdinand Bauer [art reproductions]
  • Creator
  • Call number
    PXD 687
  • Level of description
  • Date

    1994, North Fitzroy, Vic. : Nokomis Press
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    Prints - 65 x 49 cm. - 18 photomechanical prints, col.
    Prints - 30 x 21 cm. - 18 certificates of authentication
  • Scope and Content
    1. Eucalyptus lehmanni `Bushy yate' (plate B2)
    2. Dendrophthoe glabrescens (plate B3)
    3. Grevillea pteridifolia `Golden grevillea' (plate B4)
    4. Grevillea heliosperma (plate B5)
    5. Banksia ilicifolia `Holly-leaved banksia' (plate B11)
    6. Dryandra sessilis `Parrot bush' (plate B12)
    7. Drypetes deplanchei (plate B13)
    8. Deeringia amaranthoides (plate B15)
    9. Gyrostemon ramulosus `Camel poison' (plate B16)
    10. Anthocercis viscosa `Sticky tailflower' (plate B18)
    11. Dryandra formosa `Showy dryandra' (plate B20)
    12. Pleiogynium timorense `Burdekin plum' (plate B22)
    13. Petalostigma quadriloculare (plate B24)
    14. Bossiaea dentata (plate B25)
    15. Brachychiton paradoxus (plate B27)
    16. Hovea longipes (plate B28)
    17. Calothamnus gracilis (plate B29)
    18. Banksia speciosa `Showy banksia' (plate B30)
    1a.-18a. Certificates of authentication
  • General note

    "Edition of 65 copies"
    18 prints selected from: First light in 200 years : a selection of thirty plates from The Australian drawings of Ferdinand Bauer (1760-1826) ... North Fitzroy, Vic. : Nokomis Press, 1994.
    The selected prints are not duplicated in: Illustrationes Florae Novae Hollandiae ... / descripsit Robertus Brown. Londini : Veneunt apud auctorem, 10 Russel Street, Bloomsbury, 1813. Location number: F581.99/B Mitchell Library (2 copies, 1 b&w plates & 1 col. plates) [and the same] ... London : Alecto Historical Editions in association with the British Museum (Natural History), 1989. Location number: XX/98 Mitchell Library
    The Australian flower paintings of Ferdinand Bauer / William T. Stern ; introd. by Wilfrid Blunt. London : Basilisk Press, 1976, c1975. Location number: X582.1309901/1 Mitchell Library
    Original works: Watercolours in The Natural History Museum (British Museum), London, measuring imperial folio size (ca. 53 x 35.5 cm.)
  • Topic

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