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  • Title
    Women's Electoral Lobby records,1970-1998
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 9078
    R 2127
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    11.39 metres of textual material (67 boxes)
    31 sound recordings

    The Women's Electoral Lobby (WEL) is a national, independent, non-party political, feminist lobby group. Founded in 1972, WEL lobbies politicians, unions, employers, educationalists and others on policies that promote equality and seek to change attitudes and practices that discriminate against women.


    Women's Electoral Lobby: http://wel.org.au/about/ (accesssed 28 August 2013)
  • Scope and Content
    Women's Electoral Lobby records, ca. 1970-1995. The collection comprises subject files, correspondence, minutes, financial records, membership records, newscuttings, Julia Freebury's papers, audio and video cassettes, and Juliet Richter's papers relating to the Women's Action Network.

    BOXES 1-23
    Subject files labelled by WEL with topics arranged alphabetically. Records include correspondence, reports, submissions, discussion papers, newscuttings, journals, flyers, newsletters, brochures etc., ca. 1972-1990

    Box 1
    Abortion, including correspondence, papers, newsletters, newscuttings, ca. 1977-1990

    Box 2
    Australian Bureau of Statistics publications, 1986-1988
    Australian Women’s Groups, being correspondence, newsletters, etc, 1977-1980

    Box 3
    Child care, including correspondence, reports, newsletters etc., 1974-1983

    Box 4
    Child care, including surveys, policies, conference paper, flyers, ca. 1973-1982
    Children and the United Nations International Year of the Child, being reports, discussion papers, newsletters, flyers, ca. 1979

    Box 5
    Contraception, including leaflets on family planning, flyers, newsletters, ca. 1979-1981
    Discrimination: Commonwealth, including discrimination in employment, being correspondence, senate reports, newsletters, media releases, etc., ca. 1978-1983

    Box 6
    Discrimination: State, including discrimination in employment, being correspondence, reports, notes, ca. 1974-1985
    Domestic violence, including correspondence, reports, questionnaires, 1979-1985

    Box 7
    Economics, including women and the budget, correspondence, reports, etc., 1973-1986
    Employment, including equal pay, women and labour, being submission papers, conference papers, newsletters, newscuttings, flyers, ca. 1972-1986

    Box 8
    Education, including non-sexist education, early childhood education, being correspondence, reports, papers, newsletters, newscuttings, etc. 1979-1989

    Box 9
    Family Law, including property rights, superannuation, WEL Family Law Action Group, being correspondence, reports, papers, newsletters, newscuttings etc., ca. 1977-1986

    Box 10
    Families, including family allowance, lone parent families, being correspondence, reports, papers, newsletters, newscuttings etc., ca. 1976-1989
    Feminism ca. being correspondence, articles, newsletters, newscuttings etc., 1973-1984

    Box 11
    Health including IVF, women’s health services, being correspondence, reports, journal articles, newsletters, newscuttings etc., ca. 1976-1990

    Box 12
    Housing, including low income housing, being reports, journal articles, newsletters, newscuttings etc., 1979-1987
    Insurance and Taxation, including income tax reform, superannuation, being correspondence, newscuttings, 1973-1985

    Box 13
    International feminism, being correspondence, reports, newsletters, etc., 1975-1990

    Legal issues including reports, statistics, notes, newsletters, 1972-1980
    Lobbying including WEL lobbying kit, information leaflets, 1975-1982

    Local Government, including information regarding getting elected to local government, ca. 1974-1983

    Box 16
    Maternity Leave including correspondence, reports, Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission transcripts of proceedings, ca. 1978-1979
    Media and advertising, including sexism in advertising, being correspondence, reports, journal articles, newscuttings, ca. 1973-1983

    Box 17
    Occupational Health including discussion papers and conference papers, 1976-1982
    Peace Movement including nuclear disarmament, being papers, newsletters, flyers, newscuttings, 1973-1986

    Box 18
    Political Parties, including state and federal parties, being reports, contact lists, flyers, ca. 1974-1983
    Poverty, concerning poverty and Australian social services, 1973

    Box 19
    Pornography, including WEL policy statement, correspondence, reports, newscuttings, ca. 1975-1985
    Pregnancy including journal articles on IVF, WEL position paper on Human Artificial Insemination, newscuttings, 1970-1985
    Prostitution including journal articles, correspondence, newscuttings, research papers, 1973-1990

    Box 20
    National Agenda for Women Conference, 25–27 April 1986, being a ringbinder folder containing conference papers, minutes of meetings, correspondence, ca. 1985-1986

    Box 21
    Sexual Offences, including law reform, being correspondence, reports, ca. 1976-1989
    Work Force including women and employment, women and unions, being journal articles, correspondence, newscuttings, research papers, 1973-1985

    Box 22
    Woman in Politics, being reports, correspondence, scrapbook of newscuttings, conference papers, journals, flyers, newsletters, 1975-1989

    Box 23
    United Nations Decade for Women, 1976-1985, including International Women’s Day, 1975, being correspondence, transcripts of speeches, reports, conference papers, journals, flyers, newscuttings, ca. 1975-1985
    Women and Sport including reports, journal articles, flyers, newscuttings, ca. 1977-1980
    WEL list of submissions 1972-1985; WEL organisational model, no date

    BOXES 24-67
    Folders labelled by WEL containing correspondence, reports, submissions, discussion papers, newscuttings, journals, flyers, newsletters etc., ca. 1980-1995

    Box 24
    Folders labelled: aboriginal, 1988; abortion, 1982-1991; accident compensation, 1986; affirmative action, 1985-1992; anti-discrimination, 1986-1992; arts environment

    Box 25
    Folders labelled: banking, 1985-1991; child abuse, protection, 1986-1988; child care, 1985-1992; education, 1987-1991; employment, 1983-1984, 1986-1992; family law, 1977-1991; housing, 1981-1991; Incorporation documents, 1988-1990

    Box 26
    Folders labelled: industrial relations, 1979-1993; International women’s groups, 1980-1990; NSW Budget 1982; petitions, 1979-1982; submissions, 1977-1990; violence, 1989-1991

    Box 27
    Folders labelled: archives research 1972-1983; birth defects, 1981-1983; correspondence 1983; employment submissions, 1972-1983; Freedom of Information, 1978-1987; general correspondence, notes, reports etc., 1977; Goods and Services Tax (GST), 1992

    Box 28
    Folders labelled: health, 1981-1993; insurance, 1982-1992; language; 1982-1990; legal submissions, 1974-1987; library and literature, 1983-1991; local government, 1974-1991; media, 1978-1992; WEL national policy, 1984-1987

    Box 29
    Folders labelled: Australia Post, 1992; media, 1979-1992; WEL membership, 1974-1977; migrants, 1978-1984; New Dawn newsletter, vol. 1, No. 1– vol 1. No. 6, 1975; WEL newsletter correspondence, 1980-1985

    Box 30
    Folders labelled: politicians, 1977-78, 1991; pornography, 1984; refuges, 1984-1989; sexual law reform, 1983-1988; social security, 1982-1991; sport, 1978-1990; superannuation, 1974-1992; taxation, 1973-1991; violence, 1985-1991; WEL correspondence, 1982; WEL Gosford, 1987-1988; WEL history, 1992; WEL submissions: anti-discrimination, retirement, superannuation, 1979-1992; Women in the home and workforce, 1976-1990

    Box 31
    Folders labelled: correspondence, 1977, 1982-1983; Federal election, 1974, 1975, 1984, 1987, 1990

    Box 32
    Folders labelled: State election, 1973, 1976, 1988; Local Government: Waverley, 1974

    Box 33
    Accounts, 1988-1990; Administration Committee minutes, 1987-1991; cashbook ledger, 1977-1983; Commonwealth Bank statements, 1989-1992; General Meetings minute book, July 1982 – December 1988; General Meeting minutes 1983

    Box 34
    Petty cash, 1975-1986; deposit and receipt books 1986-1991; Treasurer’s file, 1987-1989; wages, 1988-1989

    Box 35
    General correspondence, 1984-1995; financial statements, 1991-1992; General Meetings minute book, 1973-1978

    Box 36
    General Meeting minute book, 1989, General Meeting minutes, 1993; National Conference, 1986; international feminism, 1975-1985; submissions, 1978-1988; WEL election strategies and election pack, 1993

    Boxes 37-40
    Membership forms, 1985-1991

    Boxes 41-43
    Julia Freebury’s papers: Freebury was a WEL founding member. Papers include Sydney Women’s Liberation newsletters, 1977-1988; Women’s health in a changing society, 1975; WEL newsletters, 1973-1974; International Women’s Year, 1975; family planning 1976; New Dawn newsletter, 1975; Women’s Forum 1974; newscuttings, ca. 1973-1978; applications for funding, 1975.

    Boxes 44-46
    Day books, Feb. 1986– Dec. 1987; membership books, 1979-1987; diaries, 1988-1991; cash books, 1977-1988

    Boxes 47-48
    Press clippings, 1974-1975, 1978-1979; Information Kit for a Young Widow with Children, 1979

    Boxes 49-50
    WEL office correspondence, 1975-1988

    Boxes 51-52
    WEL National and State conferences, including conference papers, 1973-1991; WEL office administration files, including general correspondence, 1982-1987

    Boxes 53-54
    WEL office administration files, including general correspondence, 1972-1973; Federal and State election files, 1977-1983; WEL submissions, ca. 1973-1988

    Boxes 55-56
    WEL office administration files, including general correspondence, 1980, 1981; Tenth birthday celebration, 1982; Annual General Meeting, Incorporation, 1984; WEL state policies, 1991; state conference, 1992; newscuttings 1972-1979; National WEL correspondence, 1990; national conference, 1980-1981

    Boxes 57-59
    Membership computer printout, 1986-1991; membership cards and renewal forms, ca. 1979-1992

    Boxes 60-61
    Women’s Action Network, including correspondence, finance, minutes, delegations etc., 1988-1991. Women’s Action Network was a peak body of women’s organisations formed in response to NSW Premier Nick Greiner;WEL was one of the member organisations.

    Box 62
    Affirmative Action including correspondence, submissions, newscuttings, ca. 1985-1991

    Boxes 63-66
    Juliet Richter’s papers: Juliet Richter, a WEL member, was then a representative to the NSW State Govt. Women’s Advisory Council/Board. Papers include NSW State Govt. Women’s Advisory Board/Council minutes, 1974-1977; Women’s liberation papers, 1971; Women’s Sexuality Conference, 1973; newsletters, ca. 1978-1979; status of children, 1975; survey of WEL members, 1975

    Box 67
    Health Action Group, 1994-1995; anti-discrimination, 1986; Year of the Family, 1994

    Call No. R 2127
    Pair of green women’s cotton shorts with white women's equality symbol on front left pocket, label: 'miss D', size 12, ca. 1975

    2 video cassettes: ‘Vox Populi, WAN’, 28 July 1988; ‘Broken Silence’, Vox Populi, September 1987.
    Housed separately from the collection at MLMSS 9078. For enquiries about this material please contact the Manuscripts Section.

    31 sound recordings being 3 sound tape reels and 28 sound cassettes relating to WEL including recordings of interviews, meetings, radio broadcasts, ca. 1977-1993.
    Call No. MLOH 723
    Sound recordings not to be issued – master tape only. For access please contact the Curator of Oral History.

    Sound cassettes
    1. Women’s representatives, 2 July 1977
    2. M. Mackerras, 2 July 1977
    3. What motivates women: political activisim, 2 July 1977
    4. July Malcolm, Judith Steanes: How the other half lives, 13 September 1977
    5. Di Graham, Edna Ryan, childcare, women’s role, politics: Anne & Sandi, 14 September 1977
    6. Jan Aitken, Joan Bielski, Sheila Wilkinson: How the other half loves, 15 September 1977
    7. The Coming Out Show: Women on the ABC Board, 34/83
    8. Di Graham’s surprise party: Barbara Coddington, Faith Bandler, Jocelynne Scutt, Di Graham in response, 9 August 1986
    9. Di Graham’s surprise party: Di Graham cont., Kay Fielden presenting gift, 9 August 1986
    10. WEL Luncheons, Sydney: Just Elizabeth Evatt, 26 May 1986; Mrs. Stella Cornelius, 30 June 1986
    11. Fourth WEL Luncheon, Sydney: Ms Jenni George, NSW President Teachers Federation member ACTU, 25 August 1986
    12. Invitation to a Birthday Party: WEL-Informed’s
    13. Late Night Live 22 September 1988
    14. WEL Seminar, Sydney: Feminism and the environment: planning for small and large cities, green girls and the ecological housewife, 2 September 1990
    15. WEL Seminar, Sydney: Feminism and the environment: Helen Ferris, Chair; Boon of Elect. For women, the economy and the environment, population, the Australian land and the environment, 2 September 1990
    16. WEL General Meeting, 2 June 1991
    17. Debt, Eva Cox, Life Matters, December 1992
    18. Women in development, Coming Out Show: WEL, 8 May 1993
    19. Families: Eva Cox, Joy Goodsell, Life Matters, February 1993
    20. MFP, Radio National, January 1993
    21. Child care conflict, tape 1, no date
    22. Child care conflict, tape 2, no date
    23. Child care conflict, tape 3, no date
    24. Child care conflict, tape 4, no date
    25. Victimless Crime, Janet Coombes, no date
    26. Women in political parties, no date
    27. WEL general meeting, 2 June 1991
    28. unidentified sound cassette

    Sound tape reels
    29. Alice Cook speaking at WEL NSW State Conference, no date
    30. Alice Cook speaking at WEL NSW State Conference, no date
    31. unidentified sound tape reel
  • Access Conditions

    This material is held offsite and is usually available after 4pm on the next business day. Please submit your request through Ask a Librarian - Applies to MLMSS 9078
    Access via appointment - Applies to R 2127
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright
    Approval for reproduction required: Requires the written permission of WEL
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Description source

    Information upgraded as part of the Manuscripts Unprocessed eRecords project 2013-2014
  • General note

    Edna Ryan Awards 2006, 2009-2012 have been catalogued separately at MLMSS 8964 (records for 1998-2005 are held by Jessie Street National Women's Library). June 2013

    Contents list provided by the Women's Electoral Lobby
  • Subject
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  • Manuscript Index
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