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  • Title
    NSW Bicentennial Oral History Project - interviews with two hundred men and women aged eighty years and over, who lived in New South Wales between 1900 and 1930, 1987
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLOH 48
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
    Sound Recording : CY MLOH 48/1-451
  • Physical Description
    Sound Recordings - 451 cassettes - 430hrs

    The project was funded by the Australian Bicentenary Authority. New South Wales Council in 1987. It was administered jointly by the Oral History Association of Australia and the Council on the Ageing (N.S.W.).
  • Scope and Content
    1987; The interviews concentrate on aspects of everyday life between 1900 and 1930. Education, health, employment, religion, courtship and eating habits are some of the topics covered in each interview. Also different interviewers addressed different topics. Some of these related to particular historical events, on processes which were taking place in New South Wales during that period. Information on various subjects such as the 1917 General Strike, the Dreadnought Scheme, domestic service, urban and country life, and the Aboriginal community was elicited from the informants. Access to * interviews from this collection is restricted: CY MLOH 48/ (Call No.: CY MLOH 48/1-451)

    Interviewees are as follows: Grace Alchin, Gladys Ardler, Jean Arnot, Alma Baltzer, Dorothea Baltzer, Wanda Baltzer, Norman Barnes, Kathleen Baxendale, Dorothy Beckhouse, Kath Berkley, Leslie Best, Arthur Blake, Ray Blissett, Frank Blomfield, Doris Bloor, Frederick Bowden, Neil Bowen, Nell Brazel, Martin Brothers, Jim Brothers, Arthur Brown, Doris Buckle, Eleanor Butt, Ellen Buyers, Ellen Byrnes, James Castrission, Robert Chandler, Frederick Chilton, Jeannette Clear, Ron Colman, Jim Comerford, Ethal Constance, Peggy Cookson, Ann Cooper, Allen Cox, Foreman Crawford, Nellie Crocker, Herbert Croft, Hilda Cross, Barbara Cullen, Phyllis Darmanin, Esther Davis, Frances Davis, Arthur Debenham, Aleck Stanley Deitz, Nicholas Diacopoulos, Violet Douglas, Alice Doyle, Ted Drake, John Stewart Drummond, William Dunlop, Edmund Dunshea, Nicholas Edwards, Arthur Emblen, Charles Fearnside, Nan Fenwicke, Alice Ferguson, Henry Field, Margaret Fitzpatrick, Cora Flemming, Rose Frecklington, Beatrice Gerdes, Ethel Brunton Gibb, Ella Gibson, Gladys, Greg Golby, Evelyn Goodwin, Pauline Gordon, Ruby Gottaas, Alexander Gray, Gwen Green, Lyall Green, Reg Green, Dorothy Grenenger, Martha Hallinan, James Hallinan, Arthur Hannelly, Ian Patterson Harvey, Bert Hickey, Gilbert Hickson, Dorothy Hill, Hazel Hollander, Edward Huckell, Ena Hughes, Ann Hunter, Alfred Irvine, Gilbert Jackson, Bernie Johnston, Florence Johnson, Dorothy Johnstone, Samuel Karpin, Peter Katsoulis, Hilda King, Lena King, Irene Kirby, Irene Kirkpatrick, Edwin Klein, Jim Langley, Helen Larbalestier, Agnes Laver, Peter Lazarus, Eva Lee, Mary Mac, Maude McArdle, Doreen McClelland, Keith McClelland, Angus MacDonald, Bill MacDonald, Ida McDonald, Mary McGregor, Hector McKenzie, Marie McMillan, Violet McRae, Ella Maher, Mary Maina, Frank Manning, Lottie Manning, Rachel Marks, Philip Marsh, Louisa Martin, Hilary Maurice, Bruce Mayes, Alice Moffit, John Mongan, Alice (Mrs M.E.D) Moore, Dave Morris, Frank Mitchell, Ernest Morris, Sally Murray, Hannah Nethery, Fred Newnham, Medeline and Eileen Nomchong, Eva Nowlan, Marguerite O’Farrell, Anthony Notaras, Elizabeth Nowlan, Alice Oxley, Charlotte Page, C. Page and L. King, John Pedrotta, Edith Theresa Potter, Lena Powell, Kathleen Price, Allan Radburn, Harold Rowson, Marj Reston, Alec Richardson, Ted Roach, Sydney Roberts, Tom Roberts, Eunice Robinson, Enid Ross, Flora Rossen, Edna Ryan, Mary Ryan, Harriet Rye, Clara Sadler, Harold Sale, Aida Salmon, William Sarnich, Ida Saunders, Eric Saxton, Ada Schneider, Catherine Schulties, Margaret Scott, Ethel Scully, Bert Secombe, David Selby, George Sevenoaks, Melba Shannon, Elsa Shillingford, Phil Skinner, Isobel Slockee, Maude Smith, Ruth Snider, Edgar Solomon, Annie Starr, Thistle Harris Stead, Irwin Stier, Queenie Symonds, Don Taylor, Ivy Thomas, Marjorie Thomas, Gladys Timbs, Joe-Jones Tofler, Bertha Tolmie, Alan Tom, John Morcombe Tonkin, Myrtle Torpy, Elizabeth Torrens, Walter Tulloch, Elizabeth Viggers, George Vrachnas, Hazel Walker, Ronald Walker, Arthur Wallis, John Wark, Catherine Watson, Frank Weston, Millie Weston, Gwilym Williams, Donald Winch, Richard Wright
  • Access Conditions
    Partly restricted
  • Finding Aids
  • General note

    A transcription is available for these tapes at MLMSS 5163
    'NSW Bicentennial Oral History Collection. Index and Information Manual' is available on the guide shelf in the Mitchell Library
    The collection is also lodged in the National Library of Australia and listed on their website
  • Name

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