Old Catalogue
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  • Title
    Collection 2: London Missionary Society further records, ca.1867-1963
  • Call number
    MLMSS 2800
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    0.3 metres of textual material (1 carton)
    19 film reels
  • Scope and Content
    Contents include documents of historic interest extracted from the Melbourne office file, 1867-1930's relating to Papua and South Seas letters and sermons of Norman Cooks, c.1942-1956, letters relating to Angas, c.1905, voyages, 1894- and miscellaneous papers, photographs, and maps.

    Film reels:

    1. Mr C:R Fisher Chalmers Technical Centre London Mission, Veiru, Kikori [River], Papua (VT 1902).
    2. The Naming and Consecration of the John Williams VII (VT 1903).
    3. S.Pacific Conference Samoa 1961 (VT 1904).
    4. The Naming and Consecration of the John Williams VII (VT 1905).
    5. Pacific Voyage (VT 1906).
    6. H.R.H. Princess Margaret Christens the 'John Williams the Sixth' (VT 1907).
    7. Ships of Peace Reel 1 (tail frames only) (VT 1908).
    8. Ships of Peace Reel 2 (VT 1909).
    9. I name this ship [John Williams VI] (VT 1910).
    10. Rev. H. L. Hurst Papua (film reel 3) (VT 1911).
    11. Ships of Peace (VT 1912).
    12. With the London Missionary Society in the South Seas (VT 1913).
    13. Papuan Patchwork (VT 1914).
    14. Our Ship - John Williams V1 (VT 1915).
    15. Island to Island (VT 1916).
    16. The Happy Island (VT 1917).
    17. Coral Islands Minister (VT 1918).
    18. Where Headhunters Reigned (VT 1919).
    19. Ships of Peace, parts 1 & 2, (silent) notes for reading. London Missionary Society (VT 1920).
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright restrictions may apply:
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy copyright holder
  • General note

    Available for reference

    This collection includes pictorial material at PXE 1513, V / 282, V / 283 and SLIDES 267 (formerly Pic.Acc.3171).
    For reproductions, please contact Council for World Mission (current 2023):
    Address: 11 St Georges Circus, London SE1 8EH, United Kingdom
    Email: council.uk@cwmission.org
    Phone: +44 (0) 20 7222 4214
  • Name

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