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  • Title
    Flashback Films - records relating to 'For Love or Money: a history of women and work in Australia'
  • Call number
    MLMSS 7253
  • Level of description
  • Date

    approximately 1981-1983
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    3.06 metres of textual materials (19 boxes), includes photographs - some typescript, some printed
  • Scope and Content
    The original research material for the film and book, including visual and text research plus other related research and production files.
    This list was compiled by Jeni Thornley, 11 July 2003.
    Box 1
    -ANU Trade Union Records: Archives of Business & Labour
    -Australian War Memorial Correspondence
    -Archive/Library sources on women & work in Australia: SLV, SLNSW
    -Bibliographies: women and work, feminism
    -Articles/essays women & work general, theoretical, activist, historical surveys, pamphlets, women & trade unions, womens liberation newspapers
    -5 folders relating to For Love or Money, Penguin Books (1983): correspondence, contracts, permissions, text research
    Box 2
    -Correspondence: 5 folders re research, production, distribution and exhibition of the film and book 1979-1987
    -3 production diaries relating to the production of the film & book
    -Australian film history: articles on the Realist Film Group;
    Ken Caldicott on formation of Realist Films.
    -Viewing notes: compilation films (eg Moras Swastika)
    -Documentary Film Lists from NLA
    Box 3
    -Film News, (Sydney Filmmakers Co-op newspaper) Vol 13, nos 10, 11-12, Nov/Dec 1983
    -5 folders: film research: Film Australia, Harry Davidson Collection, NF&SA, Cinesound-Movietone Collection, Wonthaggi Film Search
    -Funding applications to AFC, WFF, 1979-1983
    -Archival printing file
    -Thematic breakdowns re: women and work and Australian social history in Australian feature films, documentaries, & collected photographs
    Box 4
    - Correspondence: National Library of Australia, Film related, 1977-1983
    -Production correspondence: minutes, agendas, schedules 1979-1983
    -Lawyers contracts
    -Fund raising: trade unions
    Box 5
    Voice over recording texts and actors, Actors Equity correspondence
    -Narration drafts: various 1982-1983, final narration, trailer narration
    -Notes for film assembly: work in progress: ideas, concepts
    Box 6
    -Directory of Australian Pictorial Resources, Centre for Environmental Studies, Univ. of Melbourne, 1977
    -Various folders photographic research, text and photo research: Mitchell Library, NLA; other research requests
    -Production folder re film shoots 1980-1983, including draft questions for interviewees, schedules
    -Press releases, brochures, funding brochures 1979-1984
    Box 7
    -Drafts of scripts: 1-4, For Love or Money, 1979-1983
    -Screening notes: editing assembly screenings to academics and film industry personnel 1983, personal notes: theatrical screening
    AFTVS 1982 Research Survey using the For Love or Money trailer
    -Television research for representation of women and work: all local networks, NF&SA, plus a diverse range of institutions
    -Correspondence with broadcasters and ABC re For Love or Money-sale and broadcast 1983-84, contracts
    Box 8
    -Research and correspondence: music, songs, lyrics research, including sound archive research, NLA x 2 folders
    -Australian womens magazines, 1800s - 1950s (held in ML): summaries of content with ML call nos
    -Australian womens magazines: academic historical research articles on Australian Womens Weekly and others
    -Our Women, Oct-Dec 1961
    -26 Years of the Australian Womens Weekly, ACP Survey
    -Photographic research: For Love or Money book: photocopies of potential book photographs by chapters.
    Box 9
    - video master tape Women & Psychology Conference, Broughton Hall, Sydney Nov.1974
    - Card index: sequencing of the finished film, shot lists and timings.
    - Card index: chronological listing - Summaries and production details of Australian feature films held in NLA (now held by Screen Sound)
    - Card index: relevant items held in ML, NSW State Archives and other archives sourced from Kay Daniels & Mary Murnane (compilers) Women in Australia: A Guide to Records, Government Printing Office, 1976
    Box 10
    The original photographs reproduced in For Love or Money: A Pictorial History of Women and Work in Australia, Penguin Books, Melbourne, 1983. Photos are in chapter order, chapters 1 8 and page referenced: when utilised with the book, the exact source of each original photograph can be located in Australian libraries and other locations.
    Box 11
    Correspondence re photographic permissions and copyright fees x 4 folders
    Box 12
    Period Files 1. 1788-1870s
    Thematic historical primary and secondary text research for film voice/over and documents for the book. General: women and work, Aboriginal women: history, convict women, Female Factories, Industrial School for Girls, goldfields, strikes and riots, domestic service, nursing, housework, motherhood, birth-rate, Tailoresses Union 1870s
    Box 13
    Period Files 2. 1850-1935:
    Thematic historical primary and secondary text research for voice/over and documents for the book: women and the workforce: factories, shops, telephonists, trade unions, teaching, housework, nursing, the New Woman, womens suffrage, women and World War 1, conscription, armistice, the twenties, domestic service, Aborigines and domestic service, Muriel Heagney, Are Women Taking Mens Jobs? Heagneys biography
    Box 14
    Period Files 3. 1930s 1945.
    Thematic historical primary and secondary text research for voice/over and documents for the book:
    1933, Regulation of street meetings proclamation, Municipality of North Illawarra Fairy Meadow, original document
    -Fran Jelly, Women & Work, 1919-1939, PHD Thesis, 1976
    -Women and work in the 1930s, life in the depression, miners wives, attacks on married women workers, Married Womens Teachers Act, Drew Cottle, The Sydney Rich in the Great Depression, Bowyang, vol. 1, Nov, 1979.
    -Equal pay, marriage/motherhood, Aboriginal women, anti fascist activism, women and the textile strikes of 1941 and 1943.
    -Women and World War 2: Theses and articles: Women and Labour Conference Papers and other sources
    Carmel Shute, Womens Voluntary War Work WW2
    Marie Jean Kennedy The Forgotten One: A Personal Memoir of the Womens Land Army
    Daphne Gollan, The Duly and Hansford Strikes, 1943
    Margaret Bevege, Womens Experience in North Qld during WW2
    Lyn Beaton, The Problem of Female Labour, Hist Honours Thesis.
    - Pamphlets, Booklets of Women & World War 11, esp. equal pay and labour struggles and disputes.
    - World War 11, bibliographies, newspaper indexes and clippings file: Womens Employment Board & equal pay, strikes, recruitment and man-power, women at home & childcare, housing conditions, clothing trades, -End of war:Hiroshima. Demobilisation
    Box 15
    Period Files 4. 1950s-1980s.
    Thematic historical primary and secondary research for voice/over and documents for the book:
    -Cost of living, housewives activism, 1950s anti war, anti ABomb,
    post war wage disputes, Aboriginal and migrant women, clothing trade unions, equal pay 64-69, married women workers, outwork
    -Stella Nord: private collection: 1960s equal pay campaigns, labour movement communist party, original clippings, equal pay and union songs, newspaper clippings, original pamphlets
    -Jobs for Women campaign, sex roles, conscription and peace movement, women & unions, migrant women, equal pay, tramways women, non-traditional job opportunities, new technology, attacks on married women workers, womens unemployment, women in the workforce, industrial health, childcare and womens services, birth-rate, married women workers, Aboriginal women, unemployed women, sex discrimination, miners wives, prostitution, domestic service, womens movement pamphlets, welfare cutbacks, womens fight-backs, retail industry.
    Box 16
    Montage Folders vols.1A, 1B, 2,3.
    1788 - 1835
    -Subject and chronological indexes to photocopies of original research in Australian photographic libraries for pictorial research for the film and book: photographs, etchings, cartoons, images; images are sourced to library locations
    -Aboriginal womens work, Convict women/female factory, female emigration, Gold rushes, attacks on Aborigines, tribal groups, station workers, handouts
    -Women on the land, domestic service, outwork and factory work
    1850- 1914; 1918-1938
    -Womens factory work, womens trade unions, womens education, school teachers, nursing, telephonists, 1890s depression, domestic science training, birth rate decline, nurses leave for WW 1, womens paid work, conscription debate, 1917 general strike, nurses, domestic services, attacks on women workers, 1930s unemployed women, unemployed camps, Miners wives, women domestics, married women workers, Muriel Heagney, evictions, babies and mothers, anti fascist movement, 1938 Day of Mourning.
    Box 17
    Montage Folders vols. 4-5, 1940s-1980s
    vol 6: rejectphotos (ie photocopies of photographs not used in book or film. The original prints have been dispersed into the Mitchell Library photographic collection).
    -Extensive photo documentation of women and work, paid/unpaid, volunteers, mothers throughout the entire World War 11 period.
    -Sumerskill Collection (AWM), textile strikes, munition workers, shanties
    Post war & 50s
    womens demobilisation and dismissals, demand for female labour, Tramways women, rising prices, anti-war, mothers and children,
    migrants and factory work, 1980s: married women and the workforce:
    equal pay, womens movement campaigns, Tramways women, Melbourne, Jobs for Women Campaign, new technology
    2 vols. Photocopies of reject photos:
    - red folder: Aborigines, agriculture, farm work, child care, motherhood, convicts, depression
    - green folder: World War 1, World War 11, womens movement contemporary: 1970s-1980s
    Box 18
    Montage Folders reject photos
    -green folder: reject photos cont.
    -miners wives, pioneer wives, prostitution, schooling, strikes, unions
    Black Folder 1788-1920s
    Black Folder 1920s 1980s
    Box 19
    Montage Folders reject photos
    3 vols. 1788-1980s
    -domestic labour, family and social life, housing, feminism, the new woman, immigration, nursing, paid work, philanthropy
  • Date note

    Approximated date range refers to the dates of compilation. This collection includes copies of material, produced before 1981.
  • Subject
  • Place

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