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  • Title
    Item 02: Photographs of China, 1910 / from the papers of George Ernest Morrison
  • Call number
    PXA 202/vol. 2
  • Level of description
  • Date

    1 February-10 July 1910
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
  • Physical Description
    1 album (200 photographic prints) - 28 x 41 cm

    On 15 January 1910 Morrison set out on a journey through far western China and Russian Turkestan to Moscow.
  • Scope and Content
    1. Feb 1st. At the fair at Tien Chang i. [Dianzhang town in Ping county, Shaanxi province, today]
    2. Feb 1st. At the fair at Tien Chang i. [Dianzhang town in Ping county, Shaanxi province, today]
    3. Feb 1st. Remnant of a former Temple.
    4. Feb 2nd. East gate of Chienchou. [Qian county of Shaanxi province today]
    5. Feb 4th. My carts near Pinchow. [Bin county of Shaanxi province today]
    6. Feb 4th. Seven-storeyed [storied] Pagoda of Pinchow.
    7. Feb 7th. Avenue on way to Ping Liang fu.
    8. Feb 7th. Two police of Chingchow escorting me - carry knives.
    9. Feb 7th. View in Pai Shin Ssu. [Baishui town of Gansu province today]
    10. Feb 7th. Old woman of 80 near Pai Shui Ssu.
    11. Feb 8th. Guard-house with five beacons and watch-tower seen every 10 li.
    12. Feb 8th. Pagoda of Ping Liang fu.
    13. Feb 13th. Loess gulch near Hui Ning hsien [Lanchow].
    14. Feb 13th. [Waterwheel in] Lanchow.
    15. Feb 25th. Children who gather animal droppings.
    16. Feb 25th. Water-mill near Hsiao Lou Chih. [in Gaolan county today]
    17. Feb 25th. Wayside shrine with praying-wheel moved by water from spring.
    18. Feb 25th. Pavilion crossing roadway - common object.
    19. March 1st. The Great Wall with the guard-house and the mud ruins - the characteristic feature of the country. My two ponies below.
    20. March 2nd. Lung Kou p’u – the ordinary stage.
    21. March 2nd. Shih pa li p’u. People standing at my inn door. [in Gulang county today]
    22. March 3rd. Official letter carrier.
    23. March 3rd. 15 11 west from on way to Ku lan hsien.
    24. March 3rd. Mountains bordering plain on south.
    25. March 3rd. A village beauty.
    26. March 3rd. Ruined gate of former walled town Chin pien i. showing the characteristic destruction. [in Wuwei county today]
    27. March 4th. Liangchow - main street. [Wuwei city of Gansu province today]
    28. March 4th. S.E. corner tower of Liangchow
    29. March 4th. Liangchow. Twin pagodas inside Anting men.
    30. March 5th. Grave mounds near S. gate of Liangchow.
    31. March 5th. Liangchow - view looking N. from Ching lou.

    32. March 6th. Mr. Preedy at the west gate of Liangchow.
    33. March 6th. Bishop Otto's seminary.
    34. March 7th. Mgr. Otto at his church.
    35. March 7th. My guide from Bishop Otto's - at 40 li p’u [at Tsu Shih Li Pu].
    36. March 7th. Tsu shih li p’u. Ruins characteristic of whole plain. [in Wuwei today]
    37. March 7th. Tsu chih li p’u. Characteristic ruins.
    38. March 7th. Tsu chih li p’u. Inhabited portion among the ruins.
    39. March 8th. The ordinary defensible occupied farmstead of Liangchow plain.
    40. March 8th. A Chih li exile at Yung Chang hsien.
    41. March 9th. My carts and ponies.
    42. March 9th. Our inn-yard at Shui chuan.
    43. March 11th. Dagoba at Shan tan hsien.
    44. March 11th. Tafossu 10 li west of Shan tan hsien.
    45. March 11th. Village 15 li west of Shan tan hsien.
    46. March 11th. 'Great Wall' near Shan tan hsien.
    47. March 12th. Kanchow - the Tien chu t’ang.
    48. March 12th. In village near Kanchow.
    49. March 12th. The Buddhist Temple with the gigantic reclining Buddha [Kanchow].
    50. March 12th. Kanchow - the Dagoba.
    51. March 13th. Train of ten camels in the soda-encrusted spongy plain ten miles east of Kao Tai hsien.
    52. March 15th. Hei Ch’uan.
    53. March 15th. Farmhouse on outskirts of Hei Ch’uan.
    54. March 16th. Hung Tsu Miao, 10 li west of Hua Ch’iang tzu on sand hillock overlooking Hui ho.
    55. March 18th. View of watch-tower in oasis of Lin Shui.
    56. March 19th. Suchow. Ku lou [Drum tower] from east.
    57. March 19th. View from Splingaerd’s yamen looking north. Suchow.
    58. March 19th. Suchow – a lama.
    59. March 21st. My caravan 20 li east of Chia Yu Kuan.
    60. March 22nd. Chia Yu Kuan from the east.
    61. March 22nd. Chia Yu Kuan.
    62. March 22nd. View from Chia Yu Kuan looking south along the wall and trench.
    63. March 22nd. Chia Yu Kuan.
    64. March 22nd. Midday halt. Views of ruins inside wall. Quite empty.
    65. March 22nd. The only soldier in the guard-house at midday. Old style. No arms in Guard house.
    66. March 22nd. Our midday rest house midway between Chia Yu Kuan and Hui Hui p’o.
    67. March 22nd. Group at our midday rest house.
    68. March 22nd. The Fort wall at the midday camp.
    69. March 23rd. Old woman by high-wheeled cart in Huo Kou.
    70. March 24th. Only shelter for 30 miles between Ch’iho Chin hsia and Yu men hsien.
    71. March 26th. The only inn at the stage of Ch’i tao kou.
    72. March 27th. Our caravan in the plain 20 li E. of Lo T’o ching.
    73. March 28th. East gate of Ansichow ruins. Gate towers dismantled. Sand backed up against wall. Gale of wind and dust. [Anxi county of Gansu province today]
    74. March 30th. Desert stage of Pai Tun Tze from the top of the watch-tower.
    75. March 31st. Midday halt in the desert.
    76. April 1st. Ta Ch’uan, third stage in desert.
    77. April 3rd. The two Taoist priests of the wayside Kuan ti miao at Huang Yuan tzu midway to Sha Ch’uan.
    78. April 3rd. Hsing Hsing Hsia.
    79. April 3rd. The Kuan ti miao, built by the Taotai Hsu - Chien Ch’uan tzu (soda spring).
    80. April 6th. The pond in Chang Lui Shui.
    81. April 6th. Chang Lui Shui.
    82. April 7th. My Ch’ai Jen [Yamen runner] with the Tower carbine.
    83. April 7th. Huang Lu Kang.
    84. April 7th. View north of Huang Lu Kang.
    85. April 8th. Ch’ant’ous at Hami.
    86. April 8th. Ch’ant’ous at Hami.
    87. April 8th. South gate of Hsin Ch’eng.
    88. April 9th. Hami. The three children of the Russian subject agent of the Te Sheng Yang hang.
    89. April 10th. Tomb of Hami princes.
    90. April 10th. Ploughing close to the Hami princes’ tomb.
    91. April 11th. Village of Erh p’o Ch’ant’ou. Village inns kept by Chinese.
    92. April 12th. Our midday halt in the desert.
    93. April 14th. My Ch’ai Jen [Yamen runner] from Liao Tun.
    94. April 15th. The stage of … [Chi-ko-ching-tze] in narrow pass in the hills.
    95. April 16th. The pei lu on the way to T’ou Shui.
    96. April 17th. Ta Shih t’ou stage in the pass among the hills.
    97. April 17th. Unemployed seated near domed-shaped shelter.
    98. April 20th. Main street of Ku Ch’eng tzu.
    99. April 20th. Tsu Shih li p’o where we camped in the open steppe.
    100. April 21st. Chant’ou of 78.
    101. April 24th. Ch’ant’ou man and Mohammedan boy near Urumchi.
    102. April 24th. Urumchi. Ts’ai Shen Maio in Nam Kuan.
    103. April 24th Urumchi. Liang [Liang Yu-shu] P’eng [Peng Yi-chung]
    104. April 24th. Urumchi. Rev. G.W. Hunter.
    105. April 24th. Urumchi. The Duke Lan. [Duke Zai Lan]
    106. April 24th. Urumchi. The Provincial Treasurer. [Wang Shu-nan]
    107. April 24th. Urumchi. The Provincial Judge. [Jung Pei]
    108. April 24th. Urumchi. Big south gate looking up street. Note pickle-jars on roof.
    109. April 24th. Urumchi. Site of execution of Chang Yin-huan.
    110. April 24th. Urumchi Russian Hangs opposite the Russian Consulate.
    111. May 10th. Camel caravans of Hassas in steppes.
    112. May 10th. My tarantass.
    113. May 15th. Cart with load of brushwood - in plain much dust.
    114. May 18th. San T’ai on Sairan Nor.
    115. May 18th. Island and Temple in Sairan Nor near San T’ai.
    116. May 18th. In the Pine Pass between the lake and Erh T’ai.
    117. May 18th. In the Pine Pass between the lake and Erh T’ai.
    118. May 18th. Hassas near Sairan Nor en trek for Tarbagatai.
    119. May 18th. Hassas near Sairan Nor en trek for Tarbagatai.
    120. May 20th. Ku Lou of Hsin Ch’eng.
    121. May 20th. Ku Lou of Hsin Ch’eng.
    122. May 20th. On the way to Kuldja.
    123. May 20th. Mongols in Kuldja - man and woman.
    124. May 20th. Ferry at the Ili River at Kuldja.
    125. May 20th. Kuldja. The Ili Ferry.
    126. May 20th. Ku lou of Kuldja.
    127. May 20th. View in Kuldja.
    128. May 28th. Our inn-yard - Kuldja.
    129. May 29th. Taranchi father at Tu ma shuk pa ta ha.
    130. May 29th. Taranchi mother.
    131. May 29th. Hassa tents and sheep near Ili valley.
    132. May 29th. The Ili ferry.
    133. May 29th. The Ili ferry.
    134. May 30th. View at the Pass between the Ili and Tekes.
    135. May 30th. Hassa oxen in defile - dragging timber.
    136. May 31st. Early morning. Our Mongol mill at the creek where we had passed the night.
    137. May 31st. Caravan in hills. Chinese - Aksu Kuchar and others going to Aksu.
    138. June 1st. Lamasery of Hu no kai.
    139. June 1st. Lamasery of Hu no kai.
    140. June 1st. Group of Lamas by tent close to Lamesery in Hu no kai.
    141. June 1st. Sarts purchasing horses.
    142. June 5th. Musart Pass.
    143. June 5th. Musart Pass.
    144. June 5th. Musart Pass. On the Japarlik Glacier. [Ispartik Glacier]
    145. June 5th. Musart Pass. On the Japarlik Glacier. [Ispartik Glacier]
    146. June 6th. View from the Ma p’o tzu at Hua Hsuan tzu or Khai luk.
    147. June 6th. Tan’Ta Shih from across the Musart River.
    148. June 6th. Hua Hsuan Tzu - Khai luk.
    149. June 6th. My caravan bashi [driver] - Kuldja to Aksu.
    150. June 7th. Barrier of K’o li chia.
    151. June 7th. View looking up the lower Musart Valley.
    152. June 7th. The Ma p’o tzu on the way to Khurgan.
    153. June 11th. Hsin Ch’eng.
    154. June 12th. Ferry at the Aksu River.
    155. June 12th. Ferry at the Aksu River.
    156. June 12th. Young wife at the Ferry of the Aksu River.
    157. June 12th. Our inn-yard in Hsin Cheng.
    158. June 13th. Stage in the desert of Shu tu ku tuk.
    159. June 15th. Our people at Chadir.
    160. June 15th. Chadir.
    161. June 19th. Kupru Robart. Late in evening.
    162. June 21st. Beggar on the way to Kashgar.
    163. June 21st. On the way to Kashgar.
    164. June 21st. On the way to Kashgar.
    165. June 21st. Kashgar.
    166. June 21st. Kashgar.
    167. June 21st. Kashgar.
    168. June 21st. Kashgar.
    169. June 21st. Kashgar.
    170. June 21st. Kashgar.
    171. June 21st. Kashgar.
    172. June 21st. Kashgar.
    173. June 21st. Kashgar.
    174. June 21st. Kashgar.
    175. June 21st. Kashgar.
    176. June 21s.t Kashgar.
    177. June 21st. Kashgar.
    178. June 21st. Macartney’s Tibetan cook.
    179. July 3rd. Tablet Temple - Min Yul. [Tibet Temple]
    180. July 3rd. Min Yul.
    181. July 4th. Kirghez tent and child.
    182. July 5th. View at Aksalar
    183. July 5th. River crossing at Aksalar.
    184. July 5th. Ulugchat.
    185. July 5th. Ulugchat.
    186. July 5th. Kizil Su near Ulugchat.
    187. July 6th. Fort at Yehgin.
    188. July 6th. The Kizil Su Valley near Irkeshtam.
    189. July 6th. The Kizil Su near Irkeshtam - camel packs in the bed. Among them Macartney’s Tarantass.
    190. July 7th. Khirgiz Tents on the Tuan Muran where passed night.
    191. July 7th. Khirgiz old gentleman in the Tuan Muran.
    192. July 7th. View from our camp on the Tuan Muran.
    193. July 7th. Khirgiz lady on the Tuan Muran.
    194. July 8th. View on the route after passing the Taldek Pass.
    195. July 8th. View looking west from the Taldek Pass.
    196. July 9th. Near Kizil Kurghan.
    197. July 9th. Near Kizil Kurghan.
    198. July 9th. Near Kizil Kurghan.
    199. July 10th. Cart near Osh.
    200. July 10th. On the way to Osh.
  • Copying Conditions
    Out of copyright: Created before 1955
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Published Information
    Molixun yan li de jin dai Zhongguo = Old China through G.E. Morrison's eyes / Shen Jiawei bian zhuan ; Dou Kun deng yi. Fuzhou : Fujian jiao yu chu ban she, 2007. Edition Di 2 ban. Morrison of Peking. p. 34 G.E. Morrison's journey in northwest China in 1910 / captioned and photographed by G.E. Morrison ; compiled and translated by Dou Kim & Helen Lo = 1910, 莫理循中国西北行 / 莫理循图文 ; 窦坤, 海伦编译.
  • Description source

    Album has handwritten date and typed label for each photograph.

    Additional information in brackets from G.E. Morrison's journey in northwest China in 1910 / captioned and photographed by G.E. Morrison ; compiled and translated by Dou Kim & Helen Lo = 1910, 莫理循中国西北行 / 莫理循图文 ; 窦坤, 海伦编译.
  • General note

    100 photographs from this album are duplicated in:
    Item 03: Photographs of China, 1910 / from the papers of George Ernest Morrison (PXA 203)
    99 alternate titles are duplicated in:
    Item 04: Photographs of China, 1910 / from the papers of George Ernest Morrison (PXA 204)
    "This was the most important trip Morrison undertook while in China: a journey from Beijing to Russia through far Western China in 1910."

    Molixun yan li de jin dai Zhongguo = Old China through G.E. Morrison's eyes / Shen Jiawei bian zhuan ; Dou Kun deng yi. Fuzhou : Fujian jiao yu chu ban she, 2007. Edition Di 2 ban.
    Morrison of Peking. p. 34
    Microfilm copy available at: CY 2186, frames 1-210
    Digital order no:Album ID : 824155
  • Signatures / Inscriptions

    Dates are inscribed beneath image with printed captions.
  • Conservation note

    Album covers worn; some photoprints have silvered
  • Creator/Author/Artist
  • Subject
  • Topic
  • Place
  • Exhibited in

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