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  • Title
    People for Nuclear Disarmament (N.S.W.) - records of Australian Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament, 1980-1989
  • Call number
    MLMSS 7483/54-58
  • Level of description
  • Date

    1980 - 1989
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Scope and Content
    1984-1986; 'Steering Committee - Minutes' mainly concerning Management Committee meetings, 8 Aug. 1984-11 Feb. 1986, and Steering Committee meeting on constitution, 19 Sept. 1984 (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1984-1988; 'ALND Minutes of Meetings' with related papers (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1985; 'First AGM', including minutes of 1st Annual General Meeting, 11 Oct. 1985 (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1986; 'Special General Meeting - April 1986' mainly concerning policies on various issues (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1984-1988; [Management Committee Meetings], being mainly notices, agenda and minutes of meetings and membership lists (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1984-1988; 'Correspondence - Members' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1984-1985; 'Overseas Correspondence'
    Correspondents include Center for Constitutional Rights, N.Y., Lawyers Alliance for Nuclear Arms Control, Inc., Lawyers Association of the Republic of Afghanistan, The Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, New Zealand Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament, People for Nuclear Disarmament (N.S.W.) and Scientists Against Nuclear Arms (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1985-1988; 'ACDP' concerning Australian Coalition for Disarmament and Peace (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1984; 'ANZUS', including newscuttings and copy of 'After Anzus ?: Australia's Future Security Arrangements', a speech by the Hon. Kim C. Beazley MP, Minister for Defence, given to the N.S.W. Branch of the Australian Institute of International Affairs at the University of Sydney, 27 July 1985 (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/54)
    1984; 'Center for Constitutional Rights' concerning and including copies of the court case Greenham Women Against Cruise Missiles v Reagan (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1984; 'Constitution' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1984-1988; 'I.P.C.' concerning the International Peace and Security Committee of the Law Council of Australia (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1985-1986; 'I.Y. of Peace funding applications', including issues of Peace News and correspondence with Stella Cornelius (Director, International Year of Peace Secretariat) (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1986-1987; 'Law Foundation Grant Application 1987 - January' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1983-1986; 'LANAC' concerning Lawyers Alliance for Nuclear Arms Control, Inc. (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1987-1988; 'LCNP' mainly concerning International Peace Bureau seminars and IPB Appeal by Lawyers Against Nuclear War; copies of Open Letter re Case for the World Court, 1987 by Harold James Evans; and application for incorporation of ALND (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1982-1987; 'L.N.D. - U.K.' concerning Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1985, Date unknown; 'L.A.N.D. - Syd. Uni' concerning Legal Association for Nuclear Disarmament, established at University of Sydney Law School in 1982 (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/55)
    1984-1988; 'Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1984; 'Melbourne - LND' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1988; 'National Goals and Directions Inc.' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1986-1987; 'MW [Meredith Wilkie] - Newsletter', being mainly mailing lists (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1985-1988; 'Newsletters - Copies' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1984-1986; 'NSW Law Schools', including course materials on International Law (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1986; 'NZ & ACT', including New Zealand Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament and Canberra peace group (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1983-1987; 'Nomination Forms' mainly concerning ALND office bearers; correspondence with and printed material from The Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy; and copies of Edward St. John's correspondence with LCNP, 1986-1987 (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1985; 'Nominations - Results' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1985; 'Non-Super-Powers', being newscuttings and photocopies (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1984-1986; 'NATO' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1985-1988; 'Nuclear Disarmament Co-Ordinating Committee', including copies of minutes of meetings and copies of letters from Convenor, Senator Bruce Childs (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    198-; 'N.D.P.' concerning Nuclear Disarmament Party (N.S.W. Branch) (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1985-1987; 'Nuclear Disarmament Party' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1984; 'Nuclear War Seminar July 1984' concerning Law Council of Australia - Nuclear War Seminar for Lawyers, 14 July 1984, including photographs of participants (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1984-1986; 'Occasional Paper One' mainly concerning publication of papers by Dr Jim Falk and Dr Keith Suter, with other papers (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/56)
    1985-1986; 'Panel' concerning Peace and Anti-Nuclear Electoral Lobby (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1983-1986; 'Particular Weapons', including newscuttings and photocopies (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1986-1988; 'PRC [Peace Research Centre] (Canb.)', being newsletters (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1984-1989; 'Peace Tax' mainly concerning Peace Tax Campaign (Australia) (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1986-1988; 'PND' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1986-1988; 'POANA [Professional Organisations Against Nuclear Arms]', including letters received from Dr Con Costa (Medical Association for Prevention of War State Committee), 1987-1988 (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1986-1988; 'Representation - List of Solicitors/Barristers' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1980-1986; 'Research - Peace', being mainly newscuttings, photocopies and printed material (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1985-1987; 'Research Sub-Committee', including meetings and draft policies (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1984-1986; 'Strategic Defence Initiative', being mainly newscuttings and photocopies (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1985; 'Tribunal' concerning Nuclear War Tribunal, organised by Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament, U.K. (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1985-1988; 'Trinity Peace Research Institute', including Foundation Director, Dr Keith Suter (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    198-; 'UK Study' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1982-1986; 'United Nations' concerning United Nations Association of Australia - N.S.W. Division (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1985; 'USSR', being draft paper, Superpower Arms Control: The Soviet Perspective' by William C. Potter, University of California, presented to Conference on the Future of Arms Control, Australian National University, 21-23 Aug. 1985 (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1985-1988; 'Jo Vallentine' concerning Western Australian Senator for Nuclear Disarmament (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1987-1988; 'Verification Conference 1988' (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1984; 'World Disarmament Campaign', being newsletter, vol. 2 no. 3, May 1984 (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/57)
    1982-1988; Miscellaneous and printed material (Call No.: MLMSS 7483/58)
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