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  • Title
    Institution of Engineers, Australia. Sydney Division - Oral History Collection, being interviews with members, 1990-2004
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLOH 514
  • Level of description
  • Date

    1990, 1996-2004
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
    Sound Recording : CY MLOH 514/1-154
  • Physical Description
    Sound Recordings - 154 cassettes - 150hrs

    The Institution of Engineers was formed in 1919 when representatives of twelve separate engineering societies met in Sydney and joined to form the Institution of Engineers, Australia. The Institution of Engineers, Australia, was formed with the intention of establishing a national organisation to represent the various disciplines of engineering. The twelve Foundation Societies formed divisions in each state. The first Committee of the Institution established an Examinations Committee in order to establish adequate standards of entry to the profession, and the second Committee established a committee responsible for assessing practical experience of engineers. Candidates were required to satisfy both committees in order to become a member of the Institution.

    The Institution established a Code of Ethics, issued codes of standards for professional practice and charges for consulting engineers, and was involved in the accreditation of tertiary undergraduate courses. The Institution has been responsible for upgrading educational requirements for engineers, establishing a register of engineers, and establishing national competency standards for engineers.

    In 1991 the Engineering Heritage Committee of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Sydney Division, began an Oral History Project in order to record the work history and experiences of eminent engineers.
  • Scope and Content
    1999; Peter Alfredson interviewed by Frank Heimans, 15 Apr. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/1-3)

    1998; Michael Berman interviewed by Glen Preston, 20 Oct. 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/4)

    1998; Bryan Besley interviewed by Frank Jackson, 6 Jul. 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/5-6)

    1996, 1999; K.N.E. Bradfield interviewed by John Breen, 14 Jul. 1996, and David Butcher, Oct. and Dec. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/7-14)

    1999; Ernest Bullock interviewed by Jack Rose, Nov. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/15-16)

    2000; Ronald Campbell interviewed by Frank Jackson, 18 Jan. 2000. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/17-19)

    1992; Miles Colvin interviewed by Michael Clarke, 21 Jun. 1992. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/20-21)

    2001; Tom Crowe interviewed by Jennifer Cornwall, 28 Feb. 2001. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/22-23)

    2001; John Dearden interviewed by Edie Swift, Apr. 2001. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/24-26)

    1999; John Dembecki interviewed by Frank Heimans, 24 Jun. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/27-29)

    1998; Albert Dresler interviewed by Michael Clarke, 26 Oct. 1998. (Call

    No.: CY MLOH 514/30-31)
    1998; Barry Foreman interviewed by Bob Jackson, 10 Sep. 1998. (Call

    No.: CY MLOH 514/32-33)
    1998; Harry Freeman interviewed by John North, 3 Dec. 1998. (Call No.:

    CY MLOH 514/34-35)
    1999; Laurie Fromholtz interviewed by Bob Taaffe, Sep. 1999 and 2000.
    (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/36-41)

    1999; John Goldberg interviewed by Frank Heimans, 2 Jun. 1999. (Call
    No.: CY MLOH 514/42-44)

    2000; Ross Gordon interviewed by Frank Heimans, 2 Mar. 2000 (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/45-47)

    2002; Dundas Gore interviewed by Frank Heimans, 29 Aug. 2002. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/48-50)

    2000; Gordon Gore interviewed by David Butcher, 8 Mar. 2000. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/51-53)

    1998; Jack Hannes interviewed by Bob Jackson, 5 May 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/54-55)

    1999; Kenneth Hickson interviewed by Frank Heimans, 5 Oct. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/56-58)

    1999; Derry Hill interviewed by Fank Heimans, 20 Apr. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/59-60)

    1998; Francis Hole interviewed by John North, 6 Jul. 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/61-62)

    2003; Rodney Jeffrey interviewed by Margaret Torrens, Jun. and Jul. 2003. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/63-67)

    1998; Derrick Kendrick interviewed by Michael Clarke, 26 Oct. 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/68-70)

    1998; Malcolm King interviewed by Frank Jackson, 29 Apr. 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/71-73)

    2000; Henry Kobler interviewed by Frank Heimans, 4 Feb. 2000. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/74-76)

    1999; Peter Langford interviewed by David Butcher, 1 Mar. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/77-80)

    1999; Barry Lee interviewed by David Butcher, 28 Apr. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/81-84)

    1998; Lyndon Leembruggen interviewed by Nuala Ward, 24 Oct. 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/85-87)

    2003; James Liddle interviewed by Roslyn Burge, 15 Oct. 2003. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/88-91)

    1999; Bruce Loder interviewed by Frank Heimans, 7 Jun. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/92-95)

    1998; Nigel Lovell interviewed by John North, 26 May 1998 (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/96)

    1998; Nell Mackie interviewed by Sarah Szacsvay, 2 Jul. 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/97-98)

    1999; James McBean interviewed by Frank Jackson, 9 Apr. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/99)

    1999; Thomas McCreery nterviewed by Frank Heimans, 13 Apr. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/100-102)

    1999; Hugo Messerle interviewed by Frank Heimans, 21 Apr. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/103-105)

    1999; Gordon Messiter interviewed by Frank Heimans, 16 Apr. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/106-109)
    002; Keith Murray interviewed by Frank Jackson, 6 June 2002. (Call No.: CY MLOH 110-111)

    2004; Peter Murray interviewed by Frank Heimans, 29 Apr. and 19 May, 2004. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/112-118)

    2000; John Nutt interviewed by Michael Clarke, 14 and 17 Feb. 2000, (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/119-126)

    1990; Thomas O'Donnell interviewed by Cathy McHardy, Jul. and Aug. 1990. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/127-129)

    1999; Kevin Parsons interviewed by Margo Beasley, 20 Dec. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/130-132)
    999; Brian Pearson interviewed by Frank Heimans, 2 July 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/133-136)

    1997; Graeme Peck interviewed by Mary Ann Hamilton, 19 Nov. 1997. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/137-138)

    2000; Ray Piesse interviewed by Margo Beasley, 2 Feb. 2000. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/139-140)

    2003; Ronald Read interviewed by Margaret Torrens, 15 Jul. 2003. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/141-143)

    1999; Jack Rose interviewed by Michael Clarke, Aug. and Sep. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/144-147)

    2000; Douglas Taylor interviewed by Frank Jackson, 9 Oct. 2000. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/148-149)

    1998; Nicholas Trahair interviewed by Paul Tinslay, 19 Aug. 1996. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/150)

    1998; Geoffrey Verge interviewed by Frank Jackson, 22 Oct. 1998. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/151-152)

    1999; Keith Ward interviewed by Frank Heimans, 5 Jul. 1999. (Call No.: CY MLOH 514/153-154)

    Author/Artist entries:
    Alfredson, P.G. (Peter George)
    Berman, Michael
    Besley, Bryan
    Bradfield, K.N.E. (Keith Noel Everal)
    Bullock, Ernest Martin
    Campbell, Ronald Frank
    Colvin, Miles
    Crowe, Tom W.
    Dearden, John Hedley
    Dembecki, John
    Dresler, Albert
    Foreman, Barry
    Freeman, Harry
    Fromholtz, Laurie
    Goldberg, John Louis
    Gordon, E. Ross, 1915-
    Gore, Dundas Corbet
    Gore, Gordon Bruce
    Hannes, Jack
    Hickson, Kenneth Mitchell
    Hill, Derry Bernard
    Hole, Francis George
    Jeffrey, Rodney
    Kendrick, Derrick
    King, Malcolm George
    Kobler, Henry
    Langford, P. S.
    Lee, Barry M.
    Leembruggen, Lyndon Roy
    Liddle, James Hassell
    Loder, Bruce Norman
    Lovell, Nigel
    McBean, James Drysdale (Dale)
    McCreery, Thomas Ian
    Mackie, Nell
    Messerle, H. K. (Hugo Karl)
    Messiter, Gordon F.
    Murray, Keith (Keith M.)
    Murray, Peter John
    Nutt, John Gilmore
    O'Donnell, Thomas M.
    Parsons, Kevin Colin
    Pearson, Brian
    Peck, Graham M.
    Piesse, Ray
    Read, Ronald Gunn
    Rose, Jack A.
    Taylor, Douglas James
    Trahair, N.S. (Nicholas Snowden), 1934-
    Verge, G.C.
    Ward, Keith Ivor
  • General note

    Logs of the interviews are available. There is also a Register of all the interviewees with a brief description of their life and career held in front of No. 1 of MLOH 514/1-154
  • Creator/Author/Artist
  • Subject

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