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  • Title
    Arthur Alexander Walton Onslow - journal and notebook, 6 June 1850 - 14 May 1852
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 2050
  • Level of description
  • Date

    6 June 1850 - 14 May 1852
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Issue Copy
    Microfilm : CY 4821
  • Physical Description
    2 vols. - 0.02 Meters
    Textual Records - (manuscript)

    Arthur Alexander Walton Onslow (1833-1882), naval officer and parliamentarian, was born at India, son of Arthur Pooley Onslow of the East India Co. and his wife Rosa Roberta, daughter of Alexander Macleay. He arrived at Sydney in 1838 to live with his grandfather and in 1841 returned to England to join his family. He joined the Royal Navy in 1847 as a midshipman. He was posted to ships involved in the suppression of the slave trade on the west African Coast. He was promoted to lieutenant and served in the Baltic Squadron during the Crimean War. From 1857 to 1861 he was on the ship 'Herald' during a survey of Shark Bay, Torres Strait and the Barrier Reef. In 1864 Onslow came to Sydney with the rank of Captain and retired from the Royal Navy in 1871. In 1874 he travelled with his cousin William Macleay to explore the New Guinea Coast. In 1867 Captain Arthur Onslow married Elizabeth Macarthur (1840-1911), only child of James Macarthur and his wife Emily. They lived at 'Camden Park' and Onslow was elected to the NSW Legislative Assembly for the seat of Camden (1869-1880) and was appointed to the NSW Legislative Council (1880-1882). Onslow died in 1882 and was buried at 'Camden Park'. In 1892 Elizabeth Onslow changed her name, and that of her children, to Macarthur-Onslow.
  • Scope and Content
    6 June 1850; Notebook, inscribed 'A Onslow/Signals/H.M.S. Howe/Cubraltor Bay/June 6th 1850'. The code of signals were instigated by command of the Governor on 27 Nov. 1848. The notebooks contains garrison signals and flags with colour illustrations and an explanation of pendants and vocabulary of signals. Quotations from Shakespeare and poetry are made at the back of the notebook.
    31 Dec.1851-14 May 1852; Journal, inscribed 'No. 6/Journal/From December 31st 1851/To May 14th 1852'. The journal was written on board the Howe which was part of the British Naval Squadron engaged in patrolling the West Coast of Africa in an attempt to suppress the slave trade. The journal gives an account of the surveillance of the slave coast and includes i.a. an account of the battle of Lagos, 31 Dec. 1851; discussions leading to the signing of the treaty with the King of Lagos, 31 Dec. 1851; Onslow's appointment as Second Lieutenant, March 1852; and a report on the loss of the troopship, 'Birkenhead', 20 March 1852
  • General note

    The Journal is part of a series of journals written by Arthur Onslow, 1850-1875, which were presented by Lady Stanham in 1957. See Macarthur family - papers [second collection], 1796-1945.

    This collection was listed in 2005 as part of the Sesquicentenary of Responsible Government in NSW 1856-2006 Project.
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