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  • Title
    Henry William Potts, pictorial material, ca. 1890-1920 / compiled by Henry William Potts
  • Creator
  • Call number
    PXD 1141/Boxes 1-3
    PXE 1156
  • Level of description
  • Date

    ca. 1890-1920
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    1 album (68 photographs) - various sizes
    2 drawings - pencil, pen and wash; various sizes - watercolour
    2 cards - 20 x 12 cm. - printed
    Approx. 149 photographs - various sizes - black & white

    H. W. Potts was Principal of the Hawkesbury Agricultural College from 1902 to 1921. He owned a pharmacy at Chiltern, Victoria in August 1885 but was living in Melbourne by March 1888.

    While Principal of Hawkesbury Agricultural College, among his many improvements and developments he introduced summer schools for teachers and winter schools for farmers.
  • Scope and Content
    PXD 1141/BOX 1/Folder 1
    Approx. 52 photographs of cattle, pigs, sheep, and horses. Most images have manuscript notes and descriptions written on back.

    PXD 1141/BOX 1/Folder 2
    10 portraits. Unknown or signed, most are mounted.

    PXD 1141/BOX 1/Folder 3
    23 portraits. Named, autographed, all are mounted. Portraits of politicians, businessmen and colleagues of Henry William Potts. Included are: Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson, Robert Wallace Best, Alfred Deakin, Sir George Houstoun Reid, E.J. Shelton.

    PXD 1141/BOX 1/Folder 4
    a. 5 photographs taken overseas
    b. 2 cards: Student's score card, Dairy cow. Sydney: Printed by the Government Printer, 1911.
    c. Photograph of a framed catalogue Sold by Auction, 1810 and 1818.
    d. Mounted photograph: "Shipment of comforts for students of Hawkesbury Agricultural College on active service [World War I]. Image shows several dozen boxes to be sent overseas.
    e. Mounted photograph of premises at Hawkesbury Agricultural College.
    f. Pencil, pen & wash drawing of a horse. Caption: 'The Hon. G. Savile's Arab stallion "Zoowar". Signed, J.B. Cammie, 1912.

    PXD 1141/BOX 1/Loose
    4 group portraits of staff and students of Hawkesbury Agricultural College, ca. 1900 and 1917.

    1 portrait and 1 group portrait mounted together. Possibly students of the Hawkesbury Agricultural College, ca. 1910

    1 family group portrait. Gentleman, and possibly his wife, daughter and grandchild, ca. 1910

    4 photographs of a dam, possibly a farm dam at Hawkesbury Agricultural College

    PXD 1141/BOX 2
    Mounted portraits

    Stephen Moulton Babcock. 2 single and 1 group portrait

    Royal Commission on Technical Education, Victoria, 1899-1901. Group portrait with autographs.

    6 prints mounted in 1. Image of Thomas Bates of Kirlevington; 4 cattle; 1 stone carving.

    1 print of the Office Bearers for the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales, 1903

    William Henry Potts and students, ca. 1900. Group portrait with some hand colouring.

    Mounted printed poster of 8 images. Large lecture halls with students, class rooms and portraits.

    Mounted group portrait, 'Students at teachers' pioneer summer school, H.A.C. January, 1906.

    Illuminated address for H.W. Potts from the people of Chiltern, Victoria upon his leaving for Melbourne. Undated.
    Group portrait of students and visitors, ca. 1900

    PXD 1141/BOX 3
    Group portrait of Hawkesbury Agricultural College, Diploma Class, 1908. Caption on bottom includes names.

    Group portrait of Hawkesbury Agricultural College. Presented to H.W. Potts by his Diploma Students, 1917. Caption on bottom includes names.

    Group portrait, possibly of staff of Hawkesbury Agricultural College, ca.1900

    Hawkesbury Agricultural College Rugby Team, First XV, 1913

    Portrait of William James Farrer, wheat breeder

    Australasian Federal Referendum, July 1899. Inscription reads, “ This is to certify that the question of a Australasian Federal Constitution was submitted to the electors of Victoria on the 27th day of July 1899 and that out of a poll of 163,783 votes, 152,653 were cast in favour of such Australasian Federal Constitution, and further that Henry W. Potts voted at the said election”.

    2 portraits of unknown World War I soldier

    PXE 1156

    Containing 68 photographs of the Hydro Majestic, Medlow Bath, N.S.W.; Hawkesbury Agricultural College, staff and students; group portraits of sporting teams in Rugby, Hockey and Swimming; Clydesdale horses; portraits of students who had enlisted in World War I.


    Group portrait of Henry William Potts and students, ca. 1910.

    Forms part of H. W. Potts papers at MLMSS 2697
  • Access Conditions

    Access via appointment
  • Copying Conditions
    Out of copyright: Created before 1955
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • General note

    Pic.Acc. Upgrade Project - Information transferred from Pic.Acc.3100 as part of the eRecords Project 2011-2012
  • Name
  • Subject
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