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  • Title
    Photographs and clippings being mostly family portraits and New Zealand views accompanying John Melliday & Co. records and miscellaneous papers of his partner, Edward Denham, 18---ca. 1920
  • Creator
  • Call number
    PXA 1463
    PXE 1133
  • Level of description
  • Date
    18---ca. 1920
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    1 album (51 photographic prints, 71 clippings, 1 drawing) - 26.5 x 20.5 cm.
    31 photographic prints - 22 x 28 cm. (inside mount) or smaller and 32.5 x 41 cm. (mounted) or smaller
  • Scope and Content
    PXA 1463
    1 Album
    Including 1 pencil sketch, 'Vida Canina' on the inside cover

    71 clippings including:
    24 clippings of short stories and poems including, 'Trust Jesus', 'Rest Soldier Rest', by Reverend Ray Palmer, 'Little Foes of Little Boys', President Garfield's Favourite Hymn', 'Strength for the Day', by Rachel G. Alsop and a facsimile of a manuscript of 'Tears, Idle Tears' by Tennyson, sent to John R. Thompson in 1865 from Century Magazine,
    'Walter's Lesson', 'Eyes and No-Eyes', 'A Strange party', 'The Shepherd's Dog', 'Harry's First Penny', 'Just Too Late', 'Cross as Two Sticks', 'Meddlesome Matty', 'Grumble Grumble Grumble', 'The Key Called Try', 'A Young Indian Hero', 'The History of a Doll', by Arthur Stanley' and 'Strong in Defeat', 'Mr Smith's Window', 'A Life and a Wife' by A. Brybone and 'A Fair Rebel', by De Montreal and 'The Journalist at Home' by Rhode Knight

    47 further clippings including:
    Portraits of The 'Rembrandt' Tennyson, Lady Tennyson, Oscar Wilde, Professor Blackie, Madame Sarah Grand, J. A. Symonds in his study, Chauncy M. Dephew, Mr Le Gallienne, Dora Digerson, Arthur Conan Doyle, George R. Sims, Frederick Greenwood, Justin McCarthy M.P., Dr Magee, Mr Hall Caines, Charles Keane, John Greenleaf Whittier, John Leech, Sir Edwin Arnold, Cecil Rhodes, Kate Greenaway, Pietro Mascagni, Dr Nansen, The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, M. Zola in his study, Justin McCarthy in his study, Mary Anderson, Lord Sherbrooke with reminiscences of Robert Lowe. Also clippings of sketches and photographs of walking paths favoured by Lord Tennyson as well as The Moated Grange, Somerby and Laughlin Hall, near Somerby

    51 photographic prints mostly family portraits and photographs of residences. Includes photograph of 'Grandview' boarding house, Pymble, NSW, April 1917 and portraits of 'Grace' and 'Hal'. Most photographs are labeled in ink beneath

    PXE 1133
    31 photographic prints of scenes in New Zealand except South East view of the homestead at Tucka Tucka (N.S.W.?), by Ryan and Thompson. Also photographs of Dunedin Gardens; Port of Nelson; St Clair (beach) at Dunedin; Wet Jacket Arm; Armach Bridge, Christchurch; Littleton; Auckland Hospital; Otira Gorge;Shag Rock, Sumner; Rocky Cove, Manipuri Lake; Diamond Lake, Wakatipu; Cuttler's Cove Inlet; New Zealand Ferns; Hokitika Road; Shotover Gorge, Queenstown; George Sound; Pukawki Ferry; Devil's Punch Bowl (waterfall), Hokitika Road; view of sea cliffs near Dunedin

    Forms part of MLMSS 2340
  • Copying Conditions
    Out of copyright: Created before 1955
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • General note
    Pic.Acc. Upgrade Project - Information transferred from Pic.Acc.2511 as part of the eRecords Project 2011-2012
  • Subject
  • Topic
  • Place

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