- Title'The logs of the First Fleet. 'Charlotte' T Gilbert, Commander. 8 November 1786 to 27 March 1788. Copied from original in the Public Record Office, London. Admiralty 51/4375, Captain's logs', copied by H. J. Rumsey
- Creator
- Call numberDLMSQ 360
- Level of descriptionfonds
- Date
1786-1788, copied at unknown date - Type of material
- Reference code942430
- Physical Description1 volume of textual material (22 p.) - 31 cm. - typescript
- Scope and ContentDescription of voyage from rigging out ship at Deptford, receiving stores and embarkation of convicts at Dunkirk to arrival in Botany Bay, and landing at Port Jackson and disembarkation of stores and convicts
- Finding AidsContents list available in the Mitchell Library Reading Room -
- Original held byOriginal in the Public Record Office, London. Admiralty 51/4375, Captain's logs.
- Description source
Information transferred from Manuscripts Leaf Catalogue No. 1 (4-108B) as part of the eRecords Project, 2010-2011 - Creator/Author/Artist
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