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  • Title
    Various documents and letters collected by Sir William Dixson, 2 January 1818-24 December 1827
  • Creator
  • Call number
    DLADD 292
  • Level of description
  • Date

    2 January 1818-24 December 1827
  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    1 volume of textual material - 36 cm. - manuscript
  • Scope and Content
    1. Letter, undated, from Gilbert Robertson to A. Boyd, written from debtor's side of gaol, about his bullock, referring to Launceston.

    2. Letter, dated Hobart Town, 23 January 1818 from the Lieutenant Governor, Tasmania to Edward Lord, about the general court martial to be assembled at Sydney on the charges preferred by Lord against Mr. Acting Assistant Commissary General Broughton.

    3. Order, dated Hobart Town, 25 September 1819, about cows for William Leviston, with extract from Mr. Secretary Campbell's letter of 26 November 1818.

    4. Letter, dated 2 January 1818, to Edward Lord, about produce which Mr. Hogan has applied to have sent to Sydney.

    5. Letter, dated Sydney, 24 December 1827, from Thomas Hobbes Scott to Mr. Sadleir, asking that his quarterly returns of Church and School duties be directed to the Rev. Samuel Marsden during Scott's absence in Van Diemens Land.

    6. Letter, dated Parramatta, 21 August 1820, from Thomas Hobbes Scott, to George Hull, Deputy Assistant Commissary General in Hobart Town, about flour and bread for Mr. Bigge. Accompanied by manuscript transcription by Sir William Dixson.
  • Description source

    Information transferred from Dixson Manuscript Card Catalogue as part of the eRecords Project, 2011-2012.
  • Name
  • Subject

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