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  • Title
    Stanley family papers and pictorial material, 1853-1953
  • Creator
  • Call number
    MLMSS 9622
  • Level of description
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  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    0.16 metres of textual and pictorial material (1 box) - lithograph, albumen, colour ; ; - manuscript, typescript

    John George Stanley was a maker of concertinas in William Street, Bathurst, N.S.W. where he advertised himself as the ‘Concertina Doctor’. He married Lydia Brown in Bathurst and had seven children. Their daughter Emily Ada commenced a diary on 10 March, 1887 when 16 years of age, but died of infection 1 month later.
  • Scope and Content
    This collection comprises the diary of Emily Ada Stanley, school books and family photographs that had been kept by her family after her death, and also further family papers of her parents and siblings.

    Folder 1

    1. A practice copy writing booklet used in schools.
    Book jacket cover: Emily Stanley, second back seat.
    Book cover: Vere Foster’s copy books. No. 9.

    2. Diary of Emily Ada Stanley. March 10, 1887 to April 16, 1887.
    Emily's mother notes at the end of the diary that Emily died 2 weeks after the last entry. There are several obituary notices, a mourning card, condolence letters, and several notes by her mother.

    3. Arithmetic exercise book probably of Emily Stanley.

    4. E.A. Stanley, Bathurst 1882 – spelling, grammar, arithmetic, and geography exercise book cover in chequered cloth. 8 July 1882 to 20 August 1883.

    5. No. 1 draft memoir with editing, blue cover. Commencing 14 July 1835.

    6. Draft memoir. Commencing July 8, 1840. ‘Young lambs to sell’ on cover.

    7. Draft memoir commencing December 27 1841. Includes a pencil sketch of Queens Park top of Egremont Place, Brighton.

    8. 2 folded sheets of 8 pages of manuscript notes. Undated.

    Folder 2

    9. Bound memoir commencing 14 July 1835. Inscription “To my beloved children George John and Harriet Anne Hiscock – I write this little account, as a memento of their travels in childhood and residence abroad”. Memoir of approximately 10 years concerning a missionary from England travelling through Europe to Poland to convert Jews. Author unknown. Note from donor that diary is by a cousin of Alf Stanley.

    10a. Letter to ‘Pat dear’ from Mum, undated.

    10b. Letter to Mr A. Stanley from S.S. Malouf regarding ownership of land in Syria, 27 November 1937.

    11. Stanley family tree.

    12. Typed transcript of Diary of Emily Ada Stanley.

    13. Typed transcript of letter from Mum.

    14. Photocopy of newspaper clipping reporting of the Golden wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs A. Stanley of Wollongong. June 13, 1953.

    15. Newspaper clipping of Albert Chapman with a concertina made by John Stanley of Bathurst. Sydney Morning Herald, 10 April, 1982. Clipping pasted on black cardboard.

    Folder 3

    16. Copy albumen portrait of Emily Ada Stanley, ca 1887.

    17. Photograph of Tess (Margaret) Stanley, Jean (niece), Aunt Celia.

    18. Portrait of Albert Henry Stanley and Margaret Teresa May Stanley (nee Malone). Undated.

    19. Albumen portrait of Margaret Teresa May Stanley (nee Malone). Undated. Royal Studios, Bathurst.

    20. Photograph of Flute and Fife Band, Bathurst. Albert Henry Stanley, 2nd from right. Premier Studios, Bathurst.

    21. Photograph of Elizabeth Malone (Liz Pieme) and daughter Jean.

    22. Photograph of Tess and Alf Stanley at Gold Wedding, Wednesday 13 June 1953.

    23. Photograph of Elizabeth Malone, Tess & Alf Stanley, niece Tops, Annie Fidden (Harriet Anne Stanley).

    24. 13 mounted photographs of Australian Iron and Street (A.I.&S.) Port Kembla, 1937-1938.

    25. 12 mounted tourist photographs of Adelaide, ca 1930.

    26. 4 mounted colour tourist photographs of Albury, N.S.W. The Rose Series. Undated.

    27. 11 mounted photographs of Central Australia, including Young, Cowra, Finke, and Alice Springs. Probably taken by Pat Horton, telephonist, a cousin, during the war years, ca 1939-1945.

    28. 18 photographs of the construction of the Berkeley Hill Reservoir, Wollongong, ca 1930-1940.

    Folder 4

    29. Newcastle from the Nobby, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. 2 copies

    30. Paramatta River from Fort Phillips, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    31. The Custom house, Circular Quay, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. Inscribed 2 guineas.

    32. Richmond looking West, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. 2 copies.

    33. Sydney from Milson’s Point, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. 1 inscribed Domain. 2 copies.

    34. Fitzroy Bridge, Windsor, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. 2 copies.

    35. Byrnes Cloth Factory, Paramatta River, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    36. Fruit Market, Sydney, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.
    Sydney from the Old Point Piper Road, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    37. Point Piper Sydney, N.S.W., Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    38. Point Piper from Sharks Island, N.S.W., Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    39. Double Bay from South Head Road, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    40. Government House from the Botanical Gardens, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. 2 copies.

    41. King Street, Sydney, looking West, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    42. Pitt Street, looking South, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    43. George Street looking South and Royal Hotel, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    44. Bridge Street, Sydney, looking East, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. 2 copies.

    45. St. Leonards Church, North Shore, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    46. English Church at Paramatta, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    47. Richmond Church and Rectory, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. 2 copies.

    48. Windsor Church, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.

    49. Post Office at Windsor, Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury, Terry del. 1853, A. Willmour, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne. 2 copies.

    50. Sydney from the Old Point Piper Road, Terry del. 1853, Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne.
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - manuscripts
    Research & study copies allowed: Author has been deceased for more than 50 years
    Approval for publication required:
    Copyright status:: Out of copyright - photographs have been created before 1955
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Signatures / Inscriptions

    Lithographs nos. 29-50:
    Terry, del. 1853 -- imprint on the lower left hand edge of each image.
    Sands & Kenny, Sydney & Melbourne -- imprint on the lower right hand edge of each image.
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