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  • Title
    Collection 3: Les Wicks further papers, 1978-1998
  • Call number
    MLMSS 8781/Boxes 1-3
    MLMSS 8781/Box 4X
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    1.27 metres of textual material (3 boxes and 1 outsize box)
  • Scope and Content
    BOX 1
    Notebooks, 1978-1979, 1987-1988, 1996

    Folder 1
    Nitty Gritty annotated manuscript and computer disc with successive versions, correspondence, ca. 1993-1996

    Folder 2
    Nitty Gritty papers, proofs, newspaper clippings, correspondence, etc., 1994-1997

    Folder 3
    Manuscript 'Every cripple has their own way of walking - a job guide', later incorporated into 'Tickle', 1992

    Folder 4
    Papers and correspondence concerning proposed anthology project, 1983

    Folder 5
    Manuscript notes, press clippings, etc., 1978-1979

    Folder 6
    Writing drafts, 1993-1995

    Folder 7
    Writing drafts, 1995-1996

    BOX 2
    Folder 1
    Correspondence, press clippings, and manuscript drafts, 1994

    Folder 2
    Correspondence, press clippings, and manuscript drafts, 1995-1997

    Folder 3
    Correspondence, press clippings, and manuscript drafts, 1995-1998

    Folder 4-5
    Poets Union papers including meeting minutes, promotional material, Five Bells poetry magazine, and correspondence, 1978-1997

    Folder 6-7
    Island Press papers and correspondence, 1994-1995

    Folder 8
    Papers concerning 'Australian Sports Poet' competition, 1995

    Folder 9
    Papers concerning 'Australian Sports Poet' competition, 1996

    Folder 10
    Papers concerning State Library workshop, 1996

    BOX 3
    Folder 1
    Artransit series 4 contributors' works and correspondence, 1996

    Folder 2
    Artransit series 4 pre-production papers and correspondence, 1994-1996

    Folder 3
    Artransit series 4 graphic and production papers and correspondence, 1996

    Folder 4
    Artransit series 4 production papers and correspondence, 1996-1997

    Folder 5
    Artransit series 4 computer printouts of outgoing correspondence, 1995-1996

    Folder 6
    Artransit series 5 contributors' works and correspondence, 1997

    Folder 7
    Artransit series 5 production papers and correspondence, 1994-1997

    Folder 8
    Artransit series 5 computer printouts of outgoing correspondence, 1997-1998

    BOX 4X
    Posters from Artransit sibling projects in London, New York, and St Louis
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - This collection has multiple rights owners
    Research & study copies allowed:
    Rights and Restrictions Information:: No publication without prior written approval of copyright holder
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Description source

    Information upgraded as part of the Manuscripts Unprocessed eRecords Project 2012-2013
  • General note

    Contents lists are available from the Manuscripts Section.
  • Name
  • Subject

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