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  • Title
    Series 03: Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders reports of conferences, 1959-1973
  • Call number
    MLMSS 2999/Box 5 (Y 603)
    MLMSS 2999/Box 6/Folders 1-7 (Y 604)
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    0.36 metres of textual material (1 carton and 7 folders)

    Prior to 1965 the Council was known as the Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement
  • Scope and Content
    MLMSS 2999 / Box 5 (Y 603)

    Papers of FCAATSI annual conferences 1959-1971 and Women's Conference, 1971:

    2nd, February-March 1959, Melbourne (printed list of affiliates and delegates, resolutions and decisions, and extracts of replies received from Australian governments to resolutions passed only)

    3rd, February 1960, Newport, NSW (registrations, billeting and correspondence

    5th, April 1962, Adelaide (printed resolutions and action programme only)

    6th, April 1963, Canberra (printed resolutions only)

    7th, March 1964, Canberra (agenda, reports, summary of conference by Council for Aboriginal Rights (Victoria))

    8th, April 1965, Canberra (list of delegates and observers; agenda and reports; recommendations)

    9th, April 1966, Canberra (agenda and reports, delegates and observers)

    10th, March 1967, Canberra (reports and proceedings, minutes and short proceedings)

    11th, April 1968, Canberra (delegates and observers, correspondence, reports and proceedings, resolutions, auditor’s report)

    12th, April 1969, Canberra (reports and proceedings)

    8 November 1969, Sydney (one-day conference on self-government for Aborigines and Islanders, organised according to the decisions of the November 1968 Federal Executive meeting and the resolutions of the 1969 Easter Conference. Includes list of financial affiliated organisations, list of organisations invited, correspondence (invitations))

    13th, March 1970, Canberra (correspondence, draft agendas with commentary from affiliates, minutes of conference organising committee meetings, notice of motion of amendment to constitution, reports and proceedings, papers (manuscript and printed), list of affiliated organisations)

    14th, April 1971, Townsville (reports and proceedings, conference papers, typescript transcription of debates, correspondence, list of affiliated organisations compiled from 1971 conference list)

    Women’s Conference, Little Bay, Sydney, June 1971 (administrative material and correspondence)

    MLMSS 2999 / Box 6 (Y 604)

    Papers of FCAATSI annual conferences 1972-1973:

    15th, 31 March-2 April 1972, Alice Springs. Correspondence, reports and statement of resolutions adopted; FCAATSI statement on self-government and autonomy

    16th, 20-22 April 1973, Brisbane. Includes papers relating to conference organisation; provisional agenda; conference reports; newsletters; correspondence
  • Copying Conditions
    Reproduction Restricted:
    Research & study copies allowed:
    Approval for reproduction required: From copyright owner
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