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  • Title
    Karikaturen aus der Gefangenschaft / Kurt Winkler
  • Creator
  • Call number
    PXE 1824
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  • Type of material
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  • Physical Description
    1 portfolio (21 lithographic prints) - 30 x 39 cm - 3 hand-coloured

    Kurt Hans Winkler (1902-1992), designer and illustrator, was probably born in Gransee, north of Berlin, the youngest child of a Protestant family. In 1933 he fled Nazi Germany first to Paris then to England where he worked as an illustrator for Vogue magazine. By 1940 he, along with many German refugees from Nazism, had been re-classified by the British Government as an enemy alien, and after surviving the sinking of the Arandora Star, was transported on the Dunera to Australia where he was interned at the Tatura internment camp.

    After the war, Winkler remained in Australia until 1951, then travelled throughout Europe for several years before moving to the United States. In Hawaii he worked as an artist and portraitist. He eventually returned to Germany in 1985 and published a book on his life, 'Mein Vagabundleben wider Willen' (1985), published in English as 'My Vagabond Life' (1987).

    Much of his work was signed, 'Kurwin'.

    Library acquisition file
    Spark, Seumas. “An enigmatic ‘vagabond’: the Dunera artist Kurt Winkler.” Internment & Beyond: Stories from the Dunera & Queen Mary. Accessed 22/12/2022. https://www.dunerastories.monash.edu/mysteries/206-an-enigmatic-vagabond-the-dunera-artist-kurt-winkler.html
  • Scope and Content
    21 lithographic prints depicting caricatures of internees at Tatura internment camp, by fellow internee, Kurt Winkler. The last three prints are hand-coloured and the portfolio includes a self-caricature. Printed by Kunstanstalt Gustav Betschinger, Reutlingen.

    1. Lagerkoller [Camp fever]
    2. Spare in der Not da hast du Zeit dazu [Save in emergencies that's when you have time for it]
    3. Unverwüstlich [Indestructible]
    4. Der Nachschlagathlet [The shot athlete]
    5. Zwei Intellektuelle [Two intellectuals]
    6. Der Küchenbulle und sein Chef [The kitchen bull and his boss]
    7. Der Kleinhändler und der politische Kommentator [The petty trader and the political commentator]
    8. Unsere Locusschrubber [Our locus scrubber]
    9. Es gibt solche und solche [There are such and such]
    10. Die Kippenraucher [The fag smokers]
    11. Es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder… [Signs and wonders still happen…]
    12. Das Tauschgeschäft [The barter business]
    13. Die Enttäuschung [ Disappointment]
    14. Wunschträume [Wishful dreams]
    15. Der universal-raiser-Frühstücks-Schreibtisch-Sitz [The universal raiser breakfast desk seat]
    16. Auf dem Donnerbalken [On the thunderbolt]
    17. Gestörte Mittagsruhe [Disturbed midday rest]
    18. Selbstkarikatur [Self-caricature]
    19. Modenschau - Frühjahrsmodelle [Fashion show - spring models]
    20. Modenschau - Sommermodelle [Fashion show - summer models]
    21. Modenschau - Herbstmodelle [Fashion show - autumn models] 
  • Language
  • Copying Conditions
    In copyright:
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy copyright holder
  • Signatures / Inscriptions

    On front of portfolio, under image, 'Karikaturen aus der Gefangenschaft, 21 Federzeichnungen Teilweise handkoloriert' (translation: 'Caricatures from prison, 21 pen and ink drawings partly hand-coloured')
    On the title page in blue ink, 'In bleibende Errinerung Dein Leidensgenosse am 29. Aug. 50. Kurt. (translation: In lasting memory, your fellow sufferer, 29. Aug. 50. Kurt)
  • Date note

    Date based on inscription by Kurt Winkler
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