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  • Title
    Series 1: Central Coast Against Chemicals records, 1987-2017
  • Call number
    MLMSS 10357
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    1.12 metres of textual material (7 boxes)

    Central Coast Against Chemicals (CCAC) was an environmental activist group made up of residents of Wyong Shire and the Berkeley Vale area. It was formed in 1988 in reaction to the proposed establishment of an industrial plant by American chemical company Ashland.
    The group was led by Robin Mosman who also documented the groups activity. They enlisted support from politicians, a toxicologist, and the wider community. The group gathered evidence, printed leaflets, went doorknocking, and organised public meetings to inform the community of the issues. Their campaign was ultimately successful, and Ashland’s application was refused.
    CCAC also became involved in another action in nearby Wyong Shire where residents were concerned that multinational pharmaceutical company Bayer AG had established themselves in an existing plant, Kemcon, and lodged multiple development applications. Because Kemcon had been set up before the 1979 Environment, Planning and Assessment Act, they were subject to less stringent consent requirements, and were not required to provide an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
    CCAC formed a subgroup, the Wyong Awareness Committee, and with the Bayer Community Liaison Committee, ran a campaign to enforce the strongest consent conditions on Bayer, including strict fire safety measures, a buffer zone, zero discharge to wetlands, and a monitoring committee. CCAC’s campaign was again successful, with the Council agreeing to impose most of the consent conditions requested by CCAC.
    Reference: Library correspondence file
  • Scope and Content
    Records of the Central Coast Against Chemicals group relating to environmental campaigns, 1987-2017. Compiled by founding member and archivist, Robin Mosman. Including correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, publicity leaflets, newsletters, media releases and transcripts of radio interviews and telephone conversations. Also included is a history of the campaigns and of the Bayer Community Liaison Committee written by Robin Mosman. The collection documents the formation of the Central Coast Against Chemicals group, and their campaigns against Ashland in Berkeley Vale and Bayer AG in Wyong.

    BOX 1
    Ashland campaign material, January 1988 to September 1990, including minute book, documents and reports for Ashland Appeal in the Land and Environment Court, a history of Ashland and Bayer Campaigns by Robin Mosman.

    BOX 2
    Kemcon/Bayer campaign material, 1987-1990, including Bayer at Kurnell 1987, Wyong 1987-1989, and 1990.

    BOX 3
    Kemcon/Bayer campaign material, 1991

    BOX 4
    Kemcon/Bayer campaign material, 1992. History of the Bayer Community Liaison Committee (CLC), 1993-2016, by Robin Mosman

    BOX 5
    Bayer Community Liaison Committee material, 1993-2008, including documents related to establishment, reports and minutes of the group.

    BOX 6
    Bayer campaign reports, 1991-1992

    BOX 7
    Kemcon (Mfg) Pty Limited Agrochemical and Veterinary Products Formulation Plant, Wyong, New South Wales Environmental Impact Statement, December 1990.
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright – life of author(s) plus 70 years
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Description source

    Contents listing adapted from inventory supplied by donor. Printouts of a detailed contents list are included within the collection.
  • Creator/Author/Artist

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