Advanced Search
The Advanced Search can be used to select individual fields for searching. You can also limit your search here to digital content only (ie items which have a digitised image or other file attached). PLEASE NOTE - after every search in the Advanced Search section, choose Clear All at the bottom of the search page.
Lookup Lists
In the Advanced Search there are Lookup Lists available to help guide your search. Lookup Lists use standard terms, particularly for people’s name (Creator, Name), type of material, language, subject and exhibition name.
Example 1: A search in the Title field for Banks papers, combined with a term from the lookup list for the field Type of Material – choose microform to limit your results to microfiche or microfilm.
Example 2: In the field Place – choose Broadway (N.S.W.) (hint: start typing Broadway and text will automatically start to populate the field) with the added limit of Level of Description “Collection”