- 1Title:Papers relating to Ludwig Louis Leichhardt, 1813-1941Creator:
- L. L. (Ludwig Louis) Politzer
Level of description:- fonds
Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLMSS 2145
Issue copy:- Microfilm: MLMSS 2145)
- 2Title:Ludwig Leichhardt manuscripts transferred from the Australian Museum, with additional papers, 1829-1866Creator:
- Ludwig Leichhardt, 1813-1848
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1829-1866Type of material:- Textual Records
Issue copy:- Microfilm: CY 3058 (A 1383)
- 3Title:Catherine Drummond Cotton translation into English of Ludwig Leichhardt's letters to his family 1834-1841 printed in parts 1 and 2 of Dr Ludwig Leichhardt's, 'Briefe an seine Angehorigen, hrsg...von G. Neumayer and O. Leichhardt', Hamburg, 1881Creator:
- Catherine Drummond Cotton
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1881Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- A 3032
- 4Title:Item 01: Ludwig Leichhardt academic certificates, 1831-41, and correspondence, 1837?-1846, with additional papers, 1845?-1866Level of description:
- item
Date of work:1829-1866Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- A 1383/vol. 1
Issue copy:- Digitised: 2014
- 5Title:Item 02: Ludwig Leichhardt letters, 1841-1848, translated by L. L. Politzer, no date; and Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt as naturalist and explorer, May 1881 / by Dr. G. Neumayer [carbon typescript]Level of description:
- item
Date of work:1841-1848, 1881Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- A 1383/vol. 2
Issue copy:- Microfilm: CY 3058 (A 1383)