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  • Title
    Series 01: Gillian Mears correspondence, 1995-2015
  • Call number
    MLMSS 10059/Boxes 1-7
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    1.12 metres of textual material (7 boxes) - manuscript, printed, typescript, clippings, photographs, cards
  • Scope and Content
    BOX 1/Folder 1
    Correspondence with Kate Grenville, 2005-2013

    BOX 1/Folder 2
    “The Ant and Bee Wisdom Quilt correspondence with participants 2005-“, correspondents include her sisters Karin & Sonya, her nephews, Robert Dessaix, Anjali Yardi, Susan Hampton, Sandy Edwards, Drusilla Modjeska, Jess Huon, Sharon Jones, Gerald Murnane, Gaby Naher, Amanda Drucker, Claire Aman, Tom McVeigh, Peter & Dot Mears, 2005-2007

    BOX 1/Folder 3
    “The Ant and Bee Wisdom Quilt correspondence with participants 2005-“, 2007-2014

    BOX 1/Folder 4
    “The Ant and Bee Wisdom Quilt correspondence with participants 2005-“, undated

    BOX 1/Folder 5
    “Wisdom Quilt, beginnings and workings, thoughts”, with letters and updates to participants in the making of the quilt, including letters and photographs from her sisters, Gerald Murnane, Amanda Ducker, Mike Ladd, Claire Aman, Fran Clayton, Sharon Jones, with writing fragments, notes and jottings, July 2005-October 2010 and undated

    BOX 1/Folder 6
    “The Ant & Bee Quilt 2”, correspondents include Tom McVeigh, Pam Baker, Susan Hampton, Kate Herd, Ivor Indyk, Alan Close, Jacque Flavell, Sandy Edwards, Ellen Rodger, Robert Dessaix. Includes children’s drawings, photographs (5), an embroidered cat fabric patch, clippings, notes & jottings, 2007-2014 and undated

    BOX 2/Folder 1
    “The Ant & Bee Quilt 3”, correspondents include Nazir Jussab, Sharon Jones, Gaby Naher, Phillip Adams, Susan Hampton, Helen Garner, Sonya Mears, with fabric patches and photographs (6), 2012-2014 and undated

    BOX 2/Folder 2
    Email correspondence with Helen Garner, including clipping of Helen Garner’s review of ‘United 93’, a film by Paul Greengrass, 2007-2014

    BOX 2/Folder 3
    Gillian Mears correspondence with her sister Yvonne, 'One day, my letter for my sister Yvonne', includes post-it notes, loose notebook pages and sketches, 2008-2015

    BOX 2/Folder 4
    Correspondence with Margaret Knight, including drafts and copies of ‘The Cat With the Coloured Tail’, photographs and copies of Gillian Mears’s acceptance speech for the 2012 Colin Roderick Literary prize, 2006-2014

    BOX 2/Folder 5
    Correspondence with family, friends and Family & Community Services, June 2012-2015 and undated. Correspondents include Barbara Fahey, Christopher Wells, Helen Garner, Peter Mears, Sandy Edwards

    BOX 2/Folder 6
    Letters and papers concerning family matters, including court submissions, 2012-2015

    BOX 2/Folder 7
    Correspondence with family and friends including her sister Karin and father, Sharon Jones, Helen Salter, Alan Close, Chris Wells, Tom McVeigh, emails with Bruce Nicholson regarding setting up her web page, with copies of Les Murray poems, typed manuscript of short story ‘Heartstone’, notes and jottings, 2010-2015 and undated

    BOX 3/Folder 1
    “Linley Point correspondence, February 2014-“, letters and emails, including emails regarding her 2014 Ambassadorship of the Clarence River Valley and emails after the death of Varsha, her carer from August 2012-February 2014. Correspondents include Dr. Remil in India, Stephen Tatham, Nazir Jussab in Africa, Gaby Naher, Varsha Bapat, Juliette Murphy, Ellen Rodger, 15 January -30 April 2014

    BOX 3/Folder 2
    “Sydney correspondence winter 2014”, correspondents include family, Jim Conway, Claire Aman, Gaby Naher, Nazir Jussab, Phillip Adams, Robert Dessaix, Robert McFarlane, Sandy Edwards, Helen Salter, David Walsh. Includes clippings of reviews of Susan Hampton’s poems ‘The Kindly Ones’ and a poem ‘The Still Dark’, notes for her 50th birthday speech and notes for speech as 2014 Ambassador for the Clarence Valley, February-July 2014

    BOX 3/Folder 3
    “Correspondence to Grafton May-November 2014”, letters and email correspondence with family and friends including Susan Hampton, Tom McVeigh, Jim Conway, Nazir Jussab, Gaby Naher. Also letters written May-June 1997 to the premier Bob Carr protesting the exclusion of ‘Fineflour’ from the H.S.C. prescribed texts, 1997, 2012-2014 and undated

    BOX 3/Folder 4
    “Grafton letters & emails & SMS November 2014-“, correspondents include Tom McVeigh, Helen Garner, Susan Hampton, Gaby Naher, Robert McFarlane, Sharon Jones, Jess Huon. With record of Ithilien Farm Management Meeting at Byimba, Dec. 2014 and copy of ‘La Moustiquaire’ by Gillian Mears, December 2007-November 2014 and undated

    BOX 3/Folder 5
    “Grafton letters & emails & SMS November 2014-“, correspondents include Tom McVeigh, Helen Garner, Susan Hampton, Gaby Naher, Robert McFarlane, Sharon Jones, Jess Huon, December 2014-February 2015

    BOX 4/Folder 1
    Correspondence with family and friends, mainly emails, including Susan Hampton, Fiona McGregor, Gaby Naher, Jane Pelfryman, Tom Carment, Chris Wilson, Kate Herd, Claire Aman, Bruce Nicholson, Jim Conway, Nazir Jussab, Alan Close, with letters and emails regarding her application for an Australia Council grant and the launch for ‘Cat with the Coloured Tail’, January-July 2015

    BOX 4/Folder 2
    Correspondence with family and friends, mainly emails, including Susan Hampton, Fiona McGregor, Gaby Naher, Jane Pelfryman, Tom Carment, Chris Wilson, Kate Herd, Claire Aman, Bruce Nicholson, Jim Conway, Nazir Jussab, Alan Close, with letters and emails regarding her application for an Australia Council grant and the launch for ‘Cat with the Coloured Tail’, August-December 2015 and undated

    BOX 4/Folder 3
    Letters and emails, Grafton, including printouts of iphone messaging with carers and family, letters from Alan Close, articles and clippings, article on Gillian Mears by Wendy Frew, fabric patch embroidered by Dot Mears, July 2015-January 2016 and undated

    BOX 4/Folder 4
    “Grafton letters/emails general autumn 2015-May”, correspondence with family and friends including Fiona McGregor, Tom Carment, Claire Aman, January-April 2015 and undated

    BOX 4/Folder 5
    Phone message printouts of correspondence with family and friends, February-June 2014

    BOX 5/Folder 1
    Phone message printouts of correspondence with family and friends, June-November 2014

    BOX 5/Folder 2
    Phone message printouts of correspondence with family and friends including Robert McFarlane, Sandy Edwards and her carers, November 2014-April 2015

    BOX 5/Folder 3
    Phone message printouts of correspondence with family and people including Stephen Tatham, Sandy Edwards, Robert McFarlane, Susan Hampton, 2015

    BOX 5/Folder 4
    “July 2010- responses to Foal’s Bread”, letters and emails mainly with Gaby Naher, Jane Palfreyman, Ben Ball, Alan Close, Jess Huon and her family regarding the book’s representation and publication, September 2009-May 2013

    BOX 5/Folder 5
    “Foal’s Bread letters Feb. 2014-“, mainly emails regarding the proposed screen treatment of ‘Foal’s Bread’, correspondents include her family, Lois Randall, Robert McFarlane, Vincent Long, Gaby Naher, Belinda Chayko, October 2013-October 2014

    BOX 5/Folder 6
    “Foal’s Bread Dec. 2014-“, email correspondence with her family, Fiona McGregor, Gaby Naher, Jane Palfreyman, Tom Carment, December 2014-June 2015

    BOX 5/Folder 7
    “Ant and Bee’s Wise Quilt letters Dec. 2011”, letters, cards and email correspondence with people including Helen Salter, Susan Hampton, Peter Mears, Geoff Nanto, Blake, Fletcher Barns, Kate Grenville, Gaby Naher, Claire Aman, 2002-2015 and undated, also letters from ‘Jonathan’ to ‘Nancy’, 1995-1997

    BOX 6/Folder 1
    “The Cat With the Coloured Tail Feb. 2014-”, letters and emails, correspondents include family, Jim Conway, Robert McFarlane, correspondence with Vincent Long regarding his documentary including a contract with Gillian Mears and clipping of an excerpt of ‘Into a Turquoise Pool’ by Gretchen Shirm, March 2008-October 2014

    BOX 6/Folder 2
    “The Cat With the Coloured Tail Nov. 2014-”, letters, cards, phone messages and emails, correspondents include her publishers and illustrators, Fiona McGregor, Helen Garner, with draft of ‘The Cat With the Coloured Tail’ and printed instructions for the care of her cat Milpie, November 2014-November 2015 and undated

    BOX 6/Folder 3
    “The Cat With the Coloured Tail”, letters and emails mainly regarding the publication and launch of the book, with drafts of acknowledgements and letter of thanks to Tim Winton for his endorsement. Correspondents include Sue Whiting, Bruce Nicholson, Anjali Yardi, Helen Garner, January-May 2015

    BOX 6/Folder 4
    “The Cat With the Coloured Tail letters May 2015-”, letters, cards and emails, many regarding the death of her cat Paul Gallico, with clippings and photographs (3). Correspondents include Fiona McGregor, Sue Whiting, Robert McFarlane, May-August 2015

    BOX 6/Folder 5
    “The Cat With the Coloured Tail launch replies and cards”, from people including Sharon Jones, Stella and Graeme Wilson, Shirley Sampson, with clippings and drawings, February 2011—July 2015 and undated

    BOX 7/Folder 1
    “The Cat With the Coloured Tail launches, replies, arrangements, gallery, felt cat-making 2015”, mainly email correspondence with people including Kate Herd, Phillip Adams, Dinalie Dabarera, Sonya Mears, August-December 2015

    BOX 7/Folder 2
    “Byron Bay launch Nov. 2015”, emails regarding publicity for ‘The Cat With the Coloured Tail’, correspondents include Gaby Naher, Stephanie Whitebook, Susan Brophy, October- December 2015

    BOX 7/Folder 3
    “Correspondence re editing of ‘Cat With a Coloured Tail’ with Karin”, cards and emails regarding editing, the ‘Dying with Dignity forum’ and Karin’s Uluru story with photographs of herself and son Bodhi in Central Australia, 2012-2013

    BOX 7/Folder 4
    “Early CWTCT thoughts & inspirations”, correspondence with people including Tracey Price, Helen Garner, Fletcher, with clippings, notes and jottings, diary fragments, ‘Ippy the autobiography of a cat’, ‘Reader’s Report: The Cat With a Coloured Tail’ by Nicola Robinson, 2006-2014 and undated

    BOX 7/Folder 5
    Correspondence with publishers and agents, including Fiona Inglis, Tim Curnow, with copy of the story ‘Eileen’s Christmas Fudge’ and 1997-1999 royalty statements, May 1999-February 2002

    BOX 7/Folder 6
    “The owl teapot”, letters and photographs concerning the sale and re-purchase of the family silver teapot, 1998-ca. 2010
  • Access Conditions
    Restricted: Access requires readers to sign a copy of the Library's Gillian Mears Archive Special Undertaking Regarding Access. Any requests for access will be referred to the Head of Manuscripts., Expires: 2047-12-31
    For access to this collection please submit your request through Ask a Librarian
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