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  • Title
    Collection 1: Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. New South Wales Section records, 1936-1989
  • Call number
    MLMSS 8935
  • Level of description
  • Date

  • Type of material
  • Reference code
  • Physical Description
    3.55 metres of textual material (21 boxes and 1 volume)
  • Scope and Content
    Records of the NSW Section of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) relating particularly to medical services, aircraft and radio communications. Includes files, annual reports, correspondence, manuals, plans, short histories, financial records, minutes and motion pictures. Also includes the papers of Sister Myra Blanch.

    BOX 1
    Membership applications, lists of nominated representatives and related correspondence, 1976-1974
    Papers concerning communication technology, including telemedicine and Vital Call, and the ‘Southern Cross’ replica aeroplane, 1985-1987
    Folder of contracts for supply of equipment, 1968-1975
    Electronics and technical specifications, ca. 1974

    BOX 2
    Memorandum of industrial agreement with Professional Radio Employees Institute of Australia, 1937
    Transceiver manuals and operating instructions, undated
    Financial statements, 1986
    Fund raising activities schedules, correspondence and press releases, 1987-1988
    Agenda and reports for Council Meeting 24/08/1988
    Files relating to Western Australian and Victorian Sections, 1971-1975

    BOX 3
    File relating to Queensland Section, 1972-1975
    Contact and invitation lists, 1984-1987
    Bank statements and related correspondence, 1986-1988
    Files relating to radio equipment including Single Side Band Radio Project, 1972-1976

    BOX 4
    ‘Queensland 1969-1972’, ‘General 1970’ and ‘General 1971’ files, relating mainly to radio equipment

    BOX 5
    Files relating to radio equipment and employment of a radio base operator at Kalgoorlie and to radio equipment in NSW and other states, 1971-1975

    BOX 6
    ‘Aero’ file relating to conversion of aircraft, 1958-1960
    Papers of RFDS (NSW) Younger Set, 1950-1961
    Correspondence with station owners particularly of Winathee, Wonnaminta and Yandama Stations, 1948-1966
    File relating to Dr L.W. Alderman, 1949-1950
    Letters to and from Frank Basden, 1949-1950
    Correspondence with station owners relating to contributions and other matters, 1952-1955, with miscellaneous later papers, 1976-1979
    Specifications and plans for alterations to radio room, Broken Hill, 1949
    Original drawings for Single Side Band Radio Project, 1971-1972
    Grants submissions, 1965-1968

    BOX 7
    Financial papers including accounts and Staff Superannuation Fund balance sheets, 1972-1973
    Replies to invitations to Handing-Over Ceremony for Beagle Aircraft, 1967
    Agreements and other papers relating to aircraft, 1967-1968
    Papers relating to proposed amendments to RFDS NSW Articles of Association, 1960-1970
    RFDS Federal Council Annual Meeting and Conference papers, 1968
    ‘Archives’ file including correspondence, 1956-1970
    ‘Modification of aircraft’ file, 1969
    Report on FDS by Professor Holmes, 1951
    Files relating to Eastern Goldfields and Tasmanian Sections, 1950-1983

    BOX 8
    Memorandum and Articles of Association of RFDS (NSW Section), 1955
    Memorandum and Articles of Association of Federal Council of Australian Aerial Medical Services, with Certificate of Incorporation and Change of Name (to Flying Doctor Service of Australia – Federal Council), 1942
    Operational and Capital Grants Submission 1968/71
    Federal Council Annual Reports Numbers 1-24, 1937-1960, with Queensland Section 1970 Annual Report and Western Australian Section Rules, 1936
    Minutes of meetings of Federal Council Executive Committee, including meetings with officers of the Department of Health, Canberra, 1975-1978
    RFDS Federal Council records, reports and correspondence, 1936-1950
    Typescript information concerning the history, activities and procedures of the RFDS

    BOX 9
    RFDS Sydney Auxiliary bank statements, 1978-1982
    Staff Superannuation Fund Trustees minute book, 1969-1978
    Finance and Administration Sub-Committee minute book, 1970-1977
    Aviation Sub-Committee minute book, 1970-1978
    Flight Operations Manual and related correspondence, 1971-1983

    BOX 10
    Base correspondence including memoranda, 1981-1983, 1984-1986
    Correspondence with solicitors, 1982-1987
    Sydney office correspondence, 1973-1986
    Files relating to the Sydney office and its equipment, including lease and plans, 1982-1984
    Files relating to Auxiliaries including those of Sydney and White Cliffs, 1977-1987
    Regional Sub-Committee correspondence file, 1976, 1981-1984

    BOX 11
    RFDS Federal Council records, reports and correspondence, 1948-1968
    RFDS Victorian Section and Central Section correspondence and other papers, 1938-1981
    File relating to the RFDS (NSW Section) Patron Sir James Rowland, 1981-1987
    ‘Fund raising’ file, 1971-1985
    ‘Sydney office equipment’ file, 1986
    Base correspondence, 1983-1984
    Correspondence with solicitors, 1970-1982
    Graphs showing changes in operational costs, miles flown and telegrams 1938-1967, 1968
    Reports and other papers relating to Broken Hill Base area, 1953; effects of altitude on patients, 1973; memorial service for Sir Hudson Fysh, 1974; condition monitoring in aircraft, undated; remote area communications, 1984; history of RFDS, 1974
    Product brochure for de Havilland ‘Drover’ aircraft, 1949
    File concerning consultants, locums, medical students and temporary staff, 1981-1982

    BOX 12
    Correspondence labelled ‘Medical general’, 1980-1982
    Papers relating to aircraft including Aircraft Registration Certificate, 1947; correspondence with Beech Aircraft Corporation, 1946; copy of ‘De Havilland Gazette’ Aug 1949
    Papers relating to tender for NSW Air Ambulance Service, 1983-1984
    Specifications for radiotelephony equipment, 1967-1969
    Correspondence and reports relating to the South Australian Section, 1944, and Western Australian Section, 1970
    File containing miscellaneous papers including Australian Inland Missions poster, undated; Transceiver Directory, 1954; address by Dr Howard E. Williams, 1969; programme for Sir Hudson Fysh memorial service, 1974; report on Central Reserve Health Services, 1978
    Report on allocation of grants to Sections, includes draft speech for the Queen, 1976
    Land Station Licence for Broken Hill, 1940, and architectural drawings for Broken Hill Base, 1938
    NSW Section Annual Report, 1950
    Deed of Settlement to establish the Sir Hugh Denison Memorial Fund, 1942
    File concerning proposed financial merger of NSW and Central Sections, 1985
    Aviation Committee correspondence, 1958-1959
    Reports including Tasmanian visit by George Simpson, 1959; overview and structure of NSW Section, undated; re-engining of Drover aircraft, undated

    BOX 13
    Papers relating to landing grounds, including correspondence, circulars and plans, 1945-1950
    Correspondence concerning ‘Coast Watching’, 1940
    Papers relating to proposed rationalisation, 1955
    Aviation Committee correspondence, minutes and reports, 1983-1984
    Correspondence with NSW Department of Health, 1981-1984
    Correspondence with Santos Ltd, 1981-1983

    BOX 14
    ‘Emergency power supply’ file, 1954-1955
    Minutes of Federal Conference of Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association, 1976
    Broken Hill Airport fire and crash procedures, 1962
    Loose correspondence and newscuttings, including those relating to Dr C.R. Huxtable, 1950s-1980s

    BOX 15
    Loose correspondence, 1940-1977, including reports and minutes of meetings relating to single side band radio, 1967

    BOX 16
    Loose correspondence, 1945-1980
    Maps including holding map of Bourke and Wanaaring Districts ca. 1954, Menindee Storages 1959

    BOX 17
    Loose correspondence, 1941-1980

    BOX 18
    Loose correspondence, 1940-1972
    Call sign directories 1955, 1957

    BOX 19
    Loose correspondence, 1940-1980
    Technical instructions for radio transmitters
    Papers relating to ‘Flying Doctor’ film, including draft script, list of locations and schedule, 1978

    BOX 20
    Papers of Sister Myra Blanch:
    Bound typescript carbon copies of monthly reports submitted by Sr Blanch, Dec 1945 – Dec 1948, Jan 1949 – May 1951; bound typescript carbon copies of monthly reports submitted by Sr E. Pattinson, May 1951 – Jul 1952; typescript carbon copies of monthly reports submitted by Sr Blanch, Jan 1953 – Dec 1954
    Letter of authority and reports relating to health survey, 1952-1953
    Photographs of a visit by Queen Elizabeth II to Broken Hill Base, 1954
    Printed and hand-drawn maps of the Broken Hill area, ca. 1944-1953
    Folder of personal papers including typescript articles about Sanpah and Yandaminta Stations, biographical information and newscuttings, 1946-1989

    BOX 21
    Papers of Sister Myra Blanch:
    Report on the health survey made of the Broken Hill Base Radio Network Area, 1955
    Two sets of detailed survey questionnaires completed by Sr Blanch, comprising 1. Stations, including descriptions of homesteads and amenities, and 2. Families, including medical notes and general comments, 1953-1954

    VOL. 22
    Account book for RFDS Sydney Auxiliary including membership lists, 1965-1980

    16mm black & white film ‘Australian Diary No. 62: Flying Doctor’, Australian National Film Board, 1952
    16mm colour film ‘RFDS Broken Hill’, Film Australia and Australian Information Service, 1979
    13 further motion picture reels, with titles including ‘Nomad’ and ‘Conquering the Silence’
    These motion picture reels are housed separately from the records at MLMSS 8935. For enquiries about this material please contact the Manuscripts Section
  • Access Conditions
    Restricted - This collection contains confidential, personal and/or culturally sensitive information: The Library requires you to sign an ‘Undertaking with regard to access’ for this collection to protect the privacy of individuals. This form will be supplied to you prior to access. Guidelines for accessing sensitive collections
  • Access Conditions

    This material is held offsite and is usually available after 4pm on the next business day. Please submit your request through Ask a Librarian
  • Copying Conditions
    Copyright status:: In copyright - This collection has multiple rights owners
    Please acknowledge:: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
  • Description source

    Information upgraded as part of the Manuscripts Unprocessed eRecords Project 2012-2013
  • Creator/Author/Artist
  • Name
  • Subject
  • Topic
  • Place

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