- 1Title:Macarthur family papers, 1789-1936 [First Collection]Creator:
- Macarthur family
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1789-1936Type of material:- Textual Records
- Clippings
Call number:- SAFE/A 2897-A 2908 (Safe 1/393-Safe 1/400)
- SAFE/A 2911 (Safe 1/401)
- SAFE/A 2964 (Safe 1/402)
- A 2902-A 2905
- A 2909-A 2010
- A 2012-A 2963
- A 2965-A 3004
- D 185-D 187
Issue copy:- Refer to Contents for location numbers
- Microfilm
- 2Title:B. C. Rodd - letter received from Thomas Walker, 25 June 1857Creator:
- B. C. (Brent Clements) Rodd
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:25 June 1857Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLDOC 1379
- 3Title:Macarthur family - papers, 1836-1901Creator:
- Macarthur family
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1836 - 1901Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLMSS 326/Box 1
- MLMSS 326/Box 2X
- 4Title:Macarthur Family - Papers, 1796-1945 [Second Collection]Creator:
- Macarthur family
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1796 - 1945Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- A 4175 - A 4368
- *D 362 - *D 365
- D 116 - D 117
Issue copy:- Microfilm: CY 4829, frames 76-183 (Collection GUIDE at A 4368/2)
- Microfilm: See "Scope and Content' for the existence of CY preservation microfilm copies
- 5Title:Thomas Bryant Wilson diary written at Lord Howe Island, 30 October 1878-11 October 1896Creator:
- Thomas Bryant Wilson
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:30 October 1878-11 October 1896Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- Safe 1/10
Issue copy:- Digitised
- 6Title:John Henry Blick papers, ca. 1960-1975Creator:
- John Henry Blick
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:ca. 1960-1975Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLMSS 2705 (K 8319-K 8320)
- 7Title:Australian Institute of Horticulture records, 1939-2005Creator:
- NSW Council Australian Institute of Horticulture Inc.
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1939-2005Type of material:- Textual Records
- Graphic Materials
- Photographs
Call number:- MLMSS 9139
- 8Title:A study of plants of historic and economic importance introduced by John Macarthur and contemporaries to the Parramatta District, N.S.W. (1793-1843), 1983 / Mrs. E. Tree-SmithCreator:
- E. Tree-Smith
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1983Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLMSS 4389
- 9Title:Slides of first recorded root pruning and repotting of Japanese Bonsai in Australia / Ryde Horticultural College, not after 1988Creator:
- Ryde Horticultural College (N.S.W.)
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:not after 1 August, 1988Type of material:- Graphic Materials
- Textual Records
- Photographs
Call number:- SLIDES 278
- 10Title:Papers relating to Alexander Hunter, 1872-1961Creator:
- Alexander Hunter
Level of description:- fonds
Date of work:1872-1961Type of material:- Textual Records
Call number:- MLDOC 123